New Packages in "plucky"
The following packages were added to suite plucky (section universe) in the Ubuntu archive during the last 7 days. You can also display this list sorted by age.
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- brother-ql -- Utility to interface with Brother QL label printers (6 days old)
- camitk-actionstatemachine -- pipeline replay application for the CamiTK library (6 days old)
- camitk-config -- Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit - config (6 days old)
- camitk-imp -- workbench application for the CamiTK library (6 days old)
- clatd -- CLAT and SIIT-DC ER with many XLAT engines (6 days old)
- dbuskit-dev-tools -- GNUstep framework that interfaces with D-Bus (tools) (4 days old)
- dbuskit-doc -- GNUstep framework that interfaces with D-Bus (documentation) (4 days old)
- dict-freedict-cat-eng -- Catalan-English dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-cat-fin -- Catalan-Finnish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-cat-fra -- Catalan-French dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-cat-ita -- Catalan-Italian dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-cat-por -- Catalan-Portuguese dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-cat-spa -- Catalan-Spanish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-deu-cat -- German-Catalan dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-deu-gle -- German-Irish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-deu-lit -- German-Lithuanian dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-ell-cat -- Modern Greek-Catalan dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-ell-deu -- Modern Greek-German dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-ell-gle -- Modern Greek-Irish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-eng-cat -- English-Catalan dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-eng-zho -- English-Chinese dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-fin-cat -- Finnish-Catalan dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-fin-gle -- Finnish-Irish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-fin-spa -- Finnish-Spanish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-fra-cat -- French-Catalan dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-fra-gle -- French-Irish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-fra-zho -- French-Chinese dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-ita-cat -- Italian-Catalan dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-ita-gle -- Italian-Irish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-ita-nld -- Italian-Dutch dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-nld-cat -- Dutch-Catalan dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-nld-gle -- Dutch-Irish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-pol-lit -- Polish-Lithuanian dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-rus-deu -- Russian-German dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-rus-eng -- Russian-English dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-rus-fra -- Russian-French dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-rus-ita -- Russian-Italian dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-rus-pol -- Russian-Polish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-rus-por -- Russian-Portuguese dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-rus-spa -- Russian-Spanish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-spa-cat -- Spanish-Catalan dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-spa-fra -- Spanish-French dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-spa-tur -- Spanish-Turkish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-swe-cat -- Swedish-Catalan dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-swe-gle -- Swedish-Irish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-swe-lit -- Swedish-Lithuanian dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-swe-zho -- Swedish-Chinese dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-tur-cat -- Turkish-Catalan dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-tur-fin -- Turkish-Finnish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-tur-jpn -- Turkish-Japanese dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-zho-ind -- Chinese-Indonesian dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-zho-kur -- Chinese-Kurdish dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-zho-lat -- Chinese-Latin dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-zho-lit -- Chinese-Lithuanian dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-zho-mlg -- Chinese-Malagasy dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-zho-nor -- Chinese-Norwegian dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- dict-freedict-zho-rus -- Chinese-Russian dictionary for the dict server/client (6 days old)
- gir1.2-ayatanacommon-0.1 -- Ayatana System Indicators' common API functions (GObject Introspection) (6 days old)
- gnome-podcasts -- Listen to your favorite shows (6 days old)
- golang-github-apache-arrow-go-dev -- toolbox for data interchange and in-memory analytics (Go library) (4 days old)
- golang-github-go-llsqlite-crawshaw-dev -- low-level Go interface to SQLite 3 using cgo (Go library) (6 days old)
- golang-github-invopop-jsonschema-dev -- Generate JSON Schemas from Go types (library) (6 days old)
- guess-concurrency -- utility for estimating a suitable level of build parallelism (6 days old)
- harlequin -- database client for the terminal (6 days old)
- harlequin-mysql -- database client for the terminal (MySQL/MariaDB adapter) (6 days old)
- harlequin-odbc -- database client for the terminal (ODBC adapter) (6 days old)
- harlequin-postgres -- database client for the terminal (Postgres adapter) (6 days old)
- incus-base -- Powerful system container and virtual machine manager - daemon (container-only) (4 days old)
- incus-extra -- Powerful system container and virtual machine manager - extra tools (4 days old)
- kalgebra-plasmoid -- Widget for Plasma desktop for kalgebra and kalgebramobile (1 days old)
- libbloom2 -- simple and small bloom filter implementation in C (2 days old)
- libcamitk-dev -- Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit - development (6 days old)
- libcamitk5 -- Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit - runtime (6 days old)
- libcamitk5-data -- Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit - data (6 days old)
- libcamitk5-doc -- Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit - documentation (6 days old)
- libdancer2-session-cookie-perl -- Dancer 2 session storage in secure cookies (6 days old)
- libdbus-c++-ecore-1-0 -- C++ API for D-Bus (runtime library with Ecore main loop) (6 days old)
- libdbus-c++-glib-1-0 -- C++ API for D-Bus (runtime library with GLib main loop) (6 days old)
- libdtk6log-dev -- Simple, convenient and thread-safe C++ Qt6 logger library (development files) (6 days old)
- libdtk6log0 -- Simple, convenient and thread-safe C++ Qt6 logger library (shared library) (6 days old)
- libdtklog-dev -- Simple, convenient and thread-safe C++ logger library (development files) (6 days old)
- libdtklog0 -- Simple, convenient and thread-safe C++ logger library (shared library) (6 days old)
- libjava-data-clojure -- Utilities for working with Java beans from Clojure (6 days old)
- libjfreepdf-java -- Java library generating PDF from Graphics2D (6 days old)
- libjfreepdf-java-doc -- Java library generatiing PDF from Graphics2D (doc) (6 days old)
- libkf6filemetadata-dev-tools -- development tools file metadata frameworks (5 days old)
- libkryo2-java -- object graph serialization framework for Java (6 days old)
- libns3.43 -- shared libraries of ns-3 (2 days old)
- liboggplay-dev -- Library for playing OGG multimedia (development files) (6 days old)
- liboggplay2 -- Library for playing OGG multimedia (6 days old)
- libqtpropertybrowser-dev -- Qt Property Browser Library - development (6 days old)
- libqtpropertybrowser5 -- Qt Property Browser Library - runtime (6 days old)
- librenaissance-dev -- GNUstep GUI Framework - development files (6 days old)
- librust-actix-web-dev -- Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust - Rust source code (6 days old)
- librust-asn1-rs-dev -- parser/encoder for ASN.1 BER/DER data - Rust source code (3 days old)
- librust-databake-dev -- Trait that lets structs represent themselves as (const) Rust expressions - Rust source code (4 days old)
- librust-foldhash-dev -- Fast, non-cryptographic, minimally DoS-resistant hashing algorithm - Rust source code (4 days old)
- librust-gix-shallow-dev -- Handle files specifying the shallow boundary - Rust source code (4 days old)
- librust-ini-core-dev -- Implements a pretty bare-bones streaming INI parser - Rust source code (4 days old)
- librust-iq-dev -- Introspection with dynamic queries - Rust source code (4 days old)
- librust-rebuilderd-dev -- Rebuilderd - independent build verification daemon - Rust source code (4 days old)
- librust-rust-netrc-dev -- Netrc support for Rust with support for reqwest - Rust source code (4 days old)
- librust-rustc-stable-hash-dev -- Stable hashing algorithm used by rustc - Rust source code (4 days old)
- librust-sequoia-git-dev -- Managing and enforcing a commit signing policy - Rust source code (6 days old)
- librust-sequoia-man-dev -- Man page generation for Sequoia PGP CLIs - Rust source code (4 days old)
- librust-serialport-dev -- Cross-platform low-level serial port library - Rust source code (6 days old)
- librust-tokio-rustls-0.24-dev -- Asynchronous TLS/SSL streams for Tokio using Rustls - Rust source code (7 days old)
- libshadowsocks-libev-dev -- lightweight and secure socks5 proxy (development files) (2 days old)
- libshadowsocks-libev2 -- lightweight and secure socks5 proxy (shared library) (2 days old)
- libtorsocks -- use SOCKS-friendly applications with Tor (library) (6 days old)
- libxenmisc4.20 -- Xen runtime libraries - miscellaneous, versioned ABI (1 days old)
- osmocom-dahdi-linux-dev -- DAHDI Linux development files (4 days old)
- php8.4-imagick -- Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick library (5 days old)
- prometheus-pgbouncer-exporter -- Prometheus exporter for PgBouncer (program) (4 days old)
- python-briefcase-doc -- Convert Python project to native application(common documentation) (6 days old)
- python3-aioautomower -- Python module to talk to Husqvarna Automower API (6 days old)
- python3-aiohttp-asyncmdnsresolver -- Async resolver for aiohttp supporting mDNS queries (6 days old)
- python3-aiowithings -- asynchronous Python client for Withings (4 days old)
- python3-briefcase -- Convert Python project to native application (6 days old)
- python3-hassil -- Home Assistant Intent Language parser (6 days old)
- python3-pymeteoclimatic -- Client wrapper for accessing Meteoclimatic weather data (6 days old)
- python3-pyopenuv -- Library to access UV and ozone data from OpenUV (6 days old)
- python3-qtile -- This package is a library for developing X window managers (Python 3) (3 days old)
- python3-sphinx-togglebutton -- Toggle page content and collapse admonitions in Sphinx (Python 3) (6 days old)
- python3-sphinxcontrib.googleanalytics -- Google Analytics extension for Sphinx (6 days old)
- python3-textual-fastdatatable -- fast implementation of Textual's DataTable widget (Python module) (6 days old)
- python3-textual-textarea -- textarea with syntax highlighting and autocompleting for Textual (Python module) (6 days old)
- python3-torch-geometric -- Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch (4 days old)
- qtile -- Small, simple, extensible X11 window manager written in Python (3 days old)
- r-cran-cftime -- Using CF-Compliant Calendars with Climate Projection Data (4 days old)
- rebuilderd -- Monitor and reproduce binary packages from source - Reproducible Builds (4 days old)
- renaissance-dev-tools -- GNUstep GUI Framework - development tools (applications) (6 days old)
- sequoia-git -- Git commit signing policy verifier (6 days old)
- shadowsocks-libev -- lightweight and secure socks5 proxy (2 days old)
- vdo -- Management tools for Virtual Data Optimizer (6 days old)
- xen-hypervisor-4.20-amd64 -- Xen Hypervisor on AMD64 (1 days old)
- xen-hypervisor-4.20-amd64-dbg -- debug symbols for Xen Hypervisor on AMD64 (1 days old)
- xen-hypervisor-4.20-arm64 -- Xen Hypervisor on ARM64 (1 days old)
- xen-hypervisor-4.20-arm64-dbg -- debug symbols for Xen Hypervisor on ARM64 (1 days old)
- xen-utils-4.20 -- Xen administrative tools (1 days old)
- xen-utils-4.20-dbg -- debug symbols for xen-utils-4.20 (1 days old)
All packages
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