» Ubuntu » Пакеты » noble » java

Пакеты программ в "noble", Подсекция java

activemq (5.17.6+dfsg-1) [universe]
Java message broker - server
adql-java (2.0~beta+ds-2) [universe]
Parse, manipulate and translate ADQL queries with Java
alter-sequence-alignment (1.3.4-7) [universe]
genomic sequences ALignment Transformation EnviRonment
android-platform-tools-base (2.2.2-4ubuntu1) [universe]
base tools for developing applications for the Android system
android-sdk-helper (0.2) [universe]
Helper tools for building Android apps using Debian's Android SDK
ant (1.10.14-1) [universe]
Java based build tool like make
ant-contrib (1.0~b3+svn177-12) [universe]
collection of tasks, types and other tools for Apache Ant
ant-contrib-cpptasks (1.0~b5-5) [universe]
C/C++ compilation tasks for Ant
ant-optional (1.10.14-1) [universe]
Java based build tool like make - optional libraries
antlr3-gunit-maven-plugin (3.5.3-2) [universe]
Maven plugin for gUnit, a unit test framework for ANTLR grammars
antlr3-maven-plugin (3.5.3-2) [universe]
Maven plugin for ANTLR 3
antlr4 (4.9.2-2) [universe]
ANTLR Parser Generator
antlr4-maven-plugin (4.9.2-2) [universe]
Maven plugin for ANTLR 4
apacheds (2.0.0~M26-4) [universe]
Apache Directory Server
apksigner (31.0.2-1ubuntu1) [universe]
command line tool to sign and verify Android APKs
biglybt ( [universe]
BitTorrent client
biglybtd ( [universe]
BiglyBT system service
bnd (5.0.1-5) [universe]
tool to create and diagnose OSGi bundles
brailleutils (1.2.3-8) [universe]
command-line interface for the brailleutils library
bsh-src (2.0b4-20) [universe]
Java scripting environment (BeanShell) Version 2 (source code)
capsule-nextflow (1.1.1+dfsg-1) [universe]
packaging and deployment tool for Java applications
clirr (0.6-7) [universe]
Checks Java libraries for compatibility with older releases
closure-compiler (20130227+rhino-2) [universe]
JavaScript optimizing compiler
cmdreader (1.5-3) [universe]
Library that parses command line arguments
cobertura (2.1.1-2) [universe]
java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests
cronometer (0.9.9+dfsg1-1) [universe]
CRON-o-Meter - Exercise and nutrient intake tracker
css2xslfo (1.6.2-3) [universe]
XML+CSS2 to XSL-FO converter
darcula (2018.2-3) [universe]
Dark Look and Feel for Java desktop applications
default-jdk-headless (2:1.21-75+exp1)
Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit (headless)
derby-tools ( [universe]
Apache Derby Tools
dita-ot (1.5.3+dfsg-1) [universe]
transforms DITA content (maps and topics) into deliverable formats
doclava-aosp (6.0.1+r55-1.1ubuntu1) [universe]
Custom Javadoc doclet by Google
dokujclient (3.9.1-1) [universe]
Command line tool to interact with an instance of Dokuwiki
eag-healpix-java (2017.09.06-2) [universe]
Handling of HEALPix sky pixellization
eclipse-debian-helper (1.9) [universe]
Helper tools for building Eclipse related packages
eclipse-titan (8.2.0-1build2) [universe]
TITAN TTCN-3 toolset from the Eclipse project
f2j (0.8.1+dfsg-5) [multiverse]
Fortran to Java compiler
felix-main (5.0.0-5) [universe]
Execution environment for OSGi Felix Framework
filius (2.5.1+ds-1) [universe]
educational network simulator
findbugs (3.1.0~preview2-3) [universe]
Static java code analyzer to find bugs
freetts (1.2.2-7) [universe]
speech synthesis system
geogebra ( [universe]
Dynamic mathematics software for education
geogebra-gnome ( [universe]
GNOME integration layer for GeoGebra
gradle (4.4.1-20) [universe]
Powerful build system for the JVM
gradle-apt-plugin (0.10-1.1) [universe]
Gradle plugin to use Java annotation processors
gradle-completion (1.3.1-1.1) [universe]
Bash and Zsh completion support for Gradle
gradle-debian-helper (2.4) [universe]
Helper tools for building Debian packages with Gradle
gradle-ice-builder-plugin (1.4.5-2) [universe]
Gradle plug-in for developing Ice applications in Java
gradle-plugin-protobuf (0.9.2-1.1) [universe]
Protobuf Plugin for Gradle
gradle-propdeps-plugin (0.0.7-3.1) [universe]
Gradle plugin enhancing the Maven integration
h5ar (19.04.1+dfsg-4build3) [universe]
easy-to-use HDF archiver using Java
herold (8.0.1-1.1) [universe]
HTML to DocBook XML conversion
icedtea-netx (1.8.8-2ubuntu1) [universe]
Implementation of the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP)
ivy-debian-helper (1.1) [universe]
Helper tools for building Debian packages with Ivy
ivyplusplus (1.42-1) [universe]
Adds features to ivy for creating projects
jameica-h2database (1.4.197-7) [universe]
H2 Database Engine (jameica version)
jattach (2.2-1) [universe]
JVM Dynamic Attach utility all in one jmap jstack jcmd jinfo
java-policy (0.57) [universe]
Debian Java Policy
java-propose-classpath (0.79) [universe]
Helper script to suggest a classpath for jar files
java3ds-fileloader (1.2+dfsg-4) [universe]
Java3D 3DS File Loader
javacc4 (4.0-3) [universe]
Parser generator for use with Java
javacc5 (5.0-11) [universe]
Parser generator for use with Java
jaxb ( [universe]
JAXB Reference Implementation (Command Line Tools)
jaxws ( [universe]
JAX-WS Reference Implementation (Command Line Tools)
jel-java (2.1.2-2) [universe]
Library for evaluating algebraic expressions in Java
jetty9 (9.4.53-1) [universe]
Java servlet engine and webserver
jtreg (5.1-b01-2) [universe]
Regression Test Harness for the OpenJDK platform
jtreg6 (6.2+1-4) [universe]
Regression Test Harness for the OpenJDK platform
jtreg7 (7.4+1+ds1-1~24.04) [universe] [security]
Regression Test Harness for the OpenJDK platform
junit5 (5.10.1-1) [universe]
JUnit regression test framework for Java
jverein (2.8.19+dfsg-1) [universe]
Tool to administrate an association
jython-stilts (3.4.9-5) [universe]
Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set (Jython package)
king (2.24+dfsg2-2) [universe]
interactive system for three-dimensional vector graphics
kotlin (1.3.31+ds1-1ubuntu1) [universe]
cross-platform, general-purpose programming language
leiningen (2.10.0-2) [universe]
Automation tool and dependency manager for Clojure projects
libaccess-modifier-checker-java (1.32-1) [universe]
Maven plugin for custom access modifier checking
libaccessodf-java (0.1.1~b-3) [universe]
library for checking accessibility in ODF/ODT documents using Libreoffice
libactivation-java (1.2.0-2) [universe]
JavaBeans Activation Framework
libactivemq-activeio-java (3.1.4-3) [universe]
ActiveMQ ActiveIO protocol implementation framework
libactivemq-java (5.17.6+dfsg-1) [universe]
Java message broker core libraries
libactivemq-protobuf-java (1.1-7) [universe]
ActiveMQ Protocol Buffers Maven plugin
libaeonbits-owner-java (1.0.12+ds-3) [universe]
API to handle application configuration through Java properties file
libaether-ant-tasks-java (1.0.1-6) [universe]
Aether Ant Tasks
libafterburner.fx-java (1.7.0-3) [universe]
minimalistic JavaFX MVP framework
libairline-java (0.7-3) [universe]
Java annotation-based framework for parsing command line parameters
libakuma-java (1.10-3) [universe]
Embeddable daemonization library for Java
libandroid-23-java (6.0.1+r72-6ubuntu1) [universe]
Android framework for API Level 23 (6.0 Marshmallow)
libandroid-databinding-java (2.2.2-6) [universe]
Android Data Binding Library
libandroid-ddms-java (2.2.2-4ubuntu1) [universe]
Communicate with devices through adb - Core library
libandroid-json-java (10.0.0+r36-1) [universe]
Android rewrite of the evil licensed json.org
libandroid-json-org-java (20121204-20090211-5) [universe]
androids rewrite of the evil licensed json.org
libandroid-layoutlib-api-java (2.2.2-4ubuntu1) [universe]
Library to use the rendering library for Android layouts - API
libandroid-tools-analytics-library-java (2.2.2-3) [universe]
Libraries for tracking the usage analytics of Android SDK
libandroid-tools-annotations-java (2.2.2-4ubuntu1) [universe]
annotations used throughout the Android tools libraries
libandroid-tools-common-java (2.2.2-4ubuntu1) [universe]
common library used by other Android tools libraries
libandroid-tools-dvlib-java (2.2.2-4ubuntu1) [universe]
Library to manage the Android device database XML files
libandroid-tools-repository-java (2.2.2-4ubuntu1) [universe]
Library for downloading and managing package repositories
libandroid-tools-sdklib-java (2.2.2-4ubuntu1) [universe]
Library to parse and download the Android SDK
libandroid-uiautomator-23-java (6.0.1+r72-6ubuntu1) [universe]
UI Automator framework for API Level 23 (6.0 Marshmallow)
libandroid-zipflinger-java (7.2.2-2) [universe]
Library dedicated to ZIP files manipulation
libanimal-sniffer-java (1.16-1) [universe]
JDK/API verification tools
libannotation-indexer-java (1.17-1) [universe]
Indexing and validation of Java annotations
libantelope-java (3.5.1-5) [universe]
graphical user interface for Ant
libantlr-maven-plugin-java (2.2-5ubuntu1) [universe]
Maven ANTLR Plugin
libantlr3-gunit-java (3.5.3-2) [universe]
Unit Test framework for ANTLR grammars
libantlr3-runtime-java (3.5.3-2) [universe]
Runtime library for ANTLR 3
libantlr4-runtime-java (4.9.2-2) [universe]
Runtime library for ANTLR 4
libapache-directory-api-java (2.1.2-1) [universe]
Apache Directory LDAP API
libapache-directory-jdbm-java (2.0.0~M2-3) [universe]
ApacheDS JDBM Implementation
libapache-jena-java (4.9.0-1) [universe]
Java framework for building Semantic Web applications
libapache-mime4j-java (0.8.10-1) [universe]
MIME and RFC822 parser for Java
libapache-opennlp-java (2.3.2-1) [universe]
machine learning based toolkit for the processing of natural language text
libapache-poi-java (4.0.1-6) [universe]
Apache POI - Java API for Microsoft Documents
libapache-pom-java (29-2) [universe]
Maven metadata for all Apache Software projects
libapache-qpid-proton-j-java (0.34.0-1) [universe]
Apache Qpid Proton-J
libapacheds-i18n-java (2.0.0~M26-4) [universe]
Apache Directory Server (i18n)
libapacheds-java (2.0.0~M26-4) [universe]
Apache Directory Server (Libraries)
libapacheds-kerberos-codec-java (2.0.0~M26-4) [universe]
Apache Directory Server (Kerberos Codec)
libapfloat-java (1.13.0-1) [universe]
high performance arbitrary precision arithmetic library for Java
libapiguardian-java (1.1.2-1) [universe]
Level of stability annotation for frameworks or applications
libapk-parser-java (2.6.10+ds-4) [universe]
Decode binary XML files and get APK meta info
libapksig-java (31.0.2-1ubuntu1) [universe]
library to sign and verify Android APKs
libargparse4j-java (0.9.0-1) [universe]
command-line argument parser for Java based on Python's argparse module
libargs4j-java (2.33-2) [universe]
Java command line arguments parser
libasm-java (9.7-1) [universe]
Java bytecode manipulation framework
libasmtools-java (7.0-b09-2) [universe]
OpenJDK AsmTools
libaspectj-java (1.9.5-2) [universe]
aspect-oriented extension for Java - library
libaspectj-maven-plugin-java (1.11-2) [universe]
AspectJ compiler Maven Plugin
libassertj-core-java (3.14.0-2) [universe]
Fluent assertions for Java
libasync-http-client-java (2.12.3-1) [universe]
Java Asynchronous HTTP Client
libat-at-clojure (1.2.0-1.1) [universe]
simple ahead-of-time function scheduler for Clojure
libatinject-jsr330-api-java (1.0+ds1-5) [universe]
Java API for JSR-330 Dependency Injection
libatinject-jsr330-tck-java (1.0+ds1-5) [universe]
Java API for JSR-330 Dependency Injection (TCK)
libatk-wrapper-java (0.40.0-3build2)
ATK implementation for Java using JNI
libatk-wrapper-java-jni (0.40.0-3build2)
ATK implementation for Java using JNI (JNI bindings)
libauto64fto32f-java (2.1+ds-1) [universe]
minimalist library for converting double numerical Java code into float
libautocomplete-java (2.5.3-2) [universe]
Java library for auto-completion in text component
libautolink-java (0.10.0-1) [universe]
Autolink URL extraction library
libautomaton-java (1.11-8+dfsg1-1.1) [universe]
Finite-State Automaton for Regular Expressions
libavro-compiler-java (1.8.2-1) [universe]
Apache Avro compiler for Java
libavro-java (1.8.2-1) [universe]
Apache Avro data serialization system
libavro-maven-plugin-java (1.8.2-1) [universe]
Apache Avro Maven plugin
libaxiom-java (1.2.8-3fakesync1) [universe]
Apache AXIOM - StAX-based XML Infoset compliant object model
libaxis-java (1.4-29) [universe]
SOAP implementation in Java
libaxmlrpc-java (1.13.0-1) [universe]
XML-RPC Java library
libbackport9-java (1.10-2) [universe]
Collection of backports and utilities for apps and libraries
libbarclay-java (5.0.0+dfsg-1) [universe]
Java library to parse command line
libbase-java (1.1.6-3) [universe]
general purpose base service library (OOo 3.1 branch)
libbcjmail-java (1.77-1) [universe]
Bouncy Castle Jakarta S/MIME API
libbcpkix-java (1.77-1) [universe]
Bouncy Castle Java API for PKIX, CMS, EAC, TSP, PKCS, OCSP, CMP, and CRMF
libbctls-java (1.77-1) [universe]
Bouncy Castle JSSE provider and TLS/DTLS API
libbcutil-java (1.77-1) [universe]
Bouncy Castle ASN.1 Extension and Utility APIs
libbeam-java (1.3.5-2) [universe]
SMILES parsing and generation library for cheminformatics
libbeckon-clojure (0.1.1-2) [universe]
handle POSIX signals in Clojure
libbetter-appframework-java (1.9.2-1.1) [universe]
Java Better Swing Application Framework (library)
libbidi-clojure (2.1.6-2) [universe]
bidirectional URI routing for Clojure
libbigdoc-java (0.3.0-2) [universe]
bigdoc - java library for search gigabyte order file
libbindex-java (2.2+svn101-4) [universe]
OSGi BIndex reader
libbiojava1.9-java (1:1.9.7+dfsg-1) [universe]
Java API to biological data and applications (version 1.9)
libbiojava4-java (4.2.12+dfsg-8) [universe]
Java API to biological data and applications (default version)
виртуальный пакет, предоставляемый libbiojava4-java
libbiojava4.0-java (4.2.12+dfsg-8) [universe]
Java API to biological data and applications (version 4)
libbiojava6-java (6.1.0+dfsg-4) [universe]
Java API to biological data and applications (version 6)
libbluray-bdj (1:1.3.4-1build1) [universe]
Blu-ray Disc Java support library (BD-J library)
libboilerpipe-java (1.2.0-2) [universe]
Boilerplate removal and fulltext extraction from HTML pages
libbrailleutils-java (1.2.3-8) [universe]
cross platform library for embossing/converting PEF-files
libbridge-method-injector-java (1.25-1) [universe]
Evolve Java classes without breaking compatibility
libbsh-java (2.0b4-20) [universe]
Java scripting environment (BeanShell) Version 2 (library)
libbtm-java (2.1.4-6build1) [universe]
Bitronix JTA Transaction Manager
libbuild-helper-maven-plugin-java (3.3.0-1) [universe]
Build Helper Maven Plugin
libbultitude-clojure (0.3.0-2) [universe]
Clojure library for finding namespaces on the classpath
libbyte-buddy-java (1.14.13-1) [universe]
Runtime code generation for the Java virtual machine
libbyteman-java (4.0.20-1) [universe]
Java agent-based bytecode injection tool
libcactoos-java (0.54.0-1) [universe]
Collection of object-oriented Java primitives
libcaffeine-java (2.6.2-1.1) [universe]
High performance caching library
libcallstats-java (5.2.0-3) [universe]
library to integrate with callstats.io
libcanl-java (2.8.3-1) [universe]
EMI Common Authentication library - bindings for Java
libcapsule-maven-nextflow-java ( [universe]
packaging tool for Java applications with Maven coordinates
libcarrotsearch-hppc-java (0.7.2-2) [universe]
High Performance Primitive Collections for Java
libcarrotsearch-procfork-java (1.0.6~git20211215.86e726d+ds-2) [universe]
process forking/killing utility
libcarrotsearch-randomizedtesting-java (2.7.9-1) [universe]
Randomized testing infrastructure for JUnit, Ant and Maven
libcastor-anttasks-java (1.3.2-7) [universe]
Data binding framework for Java (XML, Objects, DB) - Ant Tasks
libcastor-codegen-java (1.3.2-7) [universe]
Data binding framework for Java (XML, Objects, DB) - Codegen
libcastor-core-java (1.3.2-7) [universe]
Data binding framework for Java (XML, Objects, DB) - Core
libcastor-ddlgen-java (1.3.2-7) [universe]
Data binding framework for Java (XML, Objects, DB) - DDL generator
libcastor-jdo-java (1.3.2-7) [universe]
Data binding framework for Java (XML, Objects, DB) - JDO
libcastor-xml-java (1.3.2-7) [universe]
Data binding framework for Java (XML, Objects, DB) - XML module
libcastor-xml-schema-java (1.3.2-7) [universe]
Data binding framework for Java (XML, Objects, DB) - XML Schema
libcava-java (0.6.0-1.1ubuntu1) [universe]
Libraries and tools for blockchain and decentralized software
libcdi-api-java (1.2-3) [universe]
Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE
libcdkr-java (3.6.0+dfsg-3) [universe]
chemistry library combining R with CDK
libcds-healpix-java (0.30.2+ds-1) [universe]
CDS HEALPix library in Java
libcds-moc-java (5.0-2) [universe]
Multi-Order Coverage maps Virtual Observatory library
libcds-savot-java (4.0.0-2) [universe]
Simple Access to VOTable (SAVOT) library for Virtual Observatory
libcephfs-java (19.2.0-0ubuntu0.24.04.2) [universe] [security]
Java library for the Ceph File System
libcglib-java (3.3.0-1) [universe]
Code generation library for Java
libcglib-nodep-java (3.3.0-1) [universe]
Code generation library for Java (without dependencies)
libcharts4j-java (1.3-4) [universe]
free, lightweight charts and graphs Java API
libchecker-framework-java (3.2.0+ds-3) [universe]
Framework that makes Java’s type system more powerful and useful
libcheshire-clojure (5.11.0-2ubuntu1) [universe]
fast JSON encoding for Clojure
libciftools-java (5.0.2-1) [universe]
Java library to read and write CIF files
libcifxom-java (1.5+git20211217.ca2412c-1) [universe]
schema and toolkit for managing CIF files in XML
libclasslojure-clojure (0.7.1-4) [universe]
Advanced classloading for Clojure
libclassmate-java (1.3.4-3ubuntu1) [universe]
Library for introspecting generic type information of types, methods and fields
libclassycle-java (1.4.2-1.1) [universe]
Analysing tool for Java dependencies
libclj-digest-clojure (1.4.9+dfsg-1) [universe]
message digest library for Clojure
libclj-http-clojure (2.3.0-1.1) [universe]
Clojure HTTP client library
libclj-stacktrace-clojure (0.2.7-1) [universe]
more readable stacktraces in Clojure programs
libclj-time-clojure (0.15.2-2) [universe]
date and time library for Clojure
libclj-tuple-clojure (0.2.2-2.1) [universe]
efficient implementations for small maps and vectors in Clojure
libclj-yaml-clojure (0.7.2-1ubuntu1) [universe]
YAML encoding and decoding for Clojure
libclojure-java (1.11.1-2) [universe]
Lisp dialect for the JVM (library)
libclojure-maven-plugin-java (1.7.1-2) [universe]
Clojure plugin for Maven
libclosure-compiler-java (20130227+rhino-2) [universe]
JavaScript optimizing compiler - library package
libclout-clojure (2.1.2-1.1) [universe]
library for matching Ring HTTP requests
libcmlxom-java (4.8-1) [universe]
Java library for processing CML
libcobertura-java (2.1.1-2) [universe]
java library that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests
libcoda-java (2.25.1-1build2) [universe]
Java interface for Common Data Access Framework
libcoda-jni (2.25.1-1build2) [universe]
Java Native interface for Common Data Access Framework
libcodenarc-groovy-java (0.23-5) [universe]
Groovy library that provides static analysis features for Groovy code
libcodesize-java (1.2-3) [universe]
calculates the size of code for Robocode
libcofoja-java (1.3-4.1) [universe]
Java API for annotating code with contracts
libcolorpicker-java (1.0.0-3) [universe]
Java control to allow color selection
libcolt-free-java (1.2.0+dfsg-8) [universe]
scalable scientific and technical computing in Java
libcom-hypirion-io-clojure (0.3.1-4ubuntu1) [universe]
I/O redirection, signal handling, and console utilities
libcomidi-clojure (0.3.2-2) [universe]
HTTP route definitions for Clojure
libcomment-preprocessor-java (6.0.1-1.1) [universe]
Java Comment Preprocessor
libcommons-collections4-java (4.4-2) [universe]
Apache Commons Collections - Extended Collections API for Java
libcommons-configuration2-java (2.8.0-2) [universe]
Java based library providing a generic configuration interface
libcommons-dbcp2-java (2.10.0-1) [universe]
Database Connection Pooling Services 2
libcommons-email-java (1.5-3) [universe]
Apache Commons Java API for sending email
libcommons-exec-java (1.3-2) [universe]
Java library to reliably execute external processes from within the JVM
libcommons-jci-eclipse-java (1.1-7) [universe]
common Java interface for various compilers - Eclipse JDT
libcommons-jci-groovy-java (1.1-7) [universe]
common Java interface for various compilers - Groovy
libcommons-jci-janino-java (1.1-7) [universe]
common Java interface for various compilers - Janino
libcommons-jci-java (1.1-7) [universe]
common Java interface for various compilers - Core and FAM
libcommons-jci-rhino-java (1.1-7) [universe]
common Java interface for various compilers - Javascript
libcommons-jexl2-java (2.1.1-6) [universe]
Apache Commons JEXL - Java Expression Language
libcommons-jexl3-java (3.1-3) [universe]
Apache Commons JEXL - Java Expression Language
libcommons-lang3-java (3.14.0-1) [universe]
Apache Commons Lang utility classes
libcommons-math-java (2.2-8) [universe]
Java lightweight mathematics and statistics components
libcommons-math3-java (3.6.1-3) [universe]
Java lightweight mathematics and statistics components
libcommons-parent-java (56-1) [universe]
Maven metadata for Apache Commons project
libcommons-pool2-java (2.11.1-1) [universe]
Apache Commons Pool 2 - Pooling implementation for Java objects
libcommons-rdf-java (0.5.0-2) [universe]
type-safe, non-general API that covers RDF 1.1
libcommons-text-java (1.11.0-1) [universe]
Apache Commons Text
libcompile-command-annotations-java (1.2.3-1) [universe]
annotation based configuration file generator for the Hotspot JVM JIT compiler
libcomplete-clojure (0.2.5-1) [universe]
completion of Clojure symbols
libcompojure-clojure (1.6.0-1.1) [universe]
consice routing library for Ring
libcompress-lzf-java (1.0.4-1) [universe]
Java library for encoding and decoding data in LZF format
libconcurrentunit-java (0.4.6-2) [universe]
simple toolkit for testing multi-threaded Java code
libcontrolsfx-java (11.0.0-1) [universe]
high quality UI controls and other tools to complement JavaFX
libconversant-disruptor-java (1.2.15-1) [universe]
Very low latency Java BlockingQueue
libcopy-rename-maven-plugin-java (2.0.0-2) [universe]
m2e compatible maven plugin for renaming/copying
libcore-async-clojure (1.5.648-1) [universe]
asynchronous programming using channels for Clojure
libcore-cache-clojure (1.0.225-2) [universe]
cache abstraction library for Clojure
libcore-match-clojure (1.0.0-1) [universe]
optimized pattern match and predicate dispatch library for Clojure
libcore-memoize-clojure (1.0.257-1) [universe]
Clojure memoization library
libcore-specs-alpha-clojure (0.2.62-1) [universe]
specs to describe Clojure core macros and functions
libcortado-java (0.6.0-5) [universe]
streaming applet for Ogg formats -- shared components
libcpath-clojure (0.1.2-2) [universe]
transparently collect files on the classpath
libcryptacular-java (1.2.5-2) [universe]
high level, general purpose Java cryptographic library
libcrypto-equality-clojure (1.0.0-2) [universe]
Clojure library protecting against timing attacks
libcrypto-random-clojure (1.2.1-1) [universe]
secure random generator for Clojure
libcsnd6-java (1:6.18.1+dfsg-1ubuntu4) [universe]
Java bindings for the Csound API
libcssparser-java (0.9.29-1) [universe]
Java CSS2 Parser
libcsvjdbc-java (1.0.37-1) [universe]
read-only JDBC driver that uses CSV or DBF files as database tables
libcurator-client-java (5.5.0-1) [universe]
Apache Curator Client
libcurator-discovery-java (5.5.0-1) [universe]
Apache Curator Service Discovery
libcurator-framework-java (5.5.0-1) [universe]
Apache Curator Framework
libcurator-parent-java (5.5.0-1) [universe]
Apache Curator Parent
libcurator-recipes-java (5.5.0-1) [universe]
Apache Curator Recipes
libcurator-test-java (5.5.0-1) [universe]
Apache Curator Testing Utilities
libcurvesapi-java (1.06-1) [universe]
Java implementation of mathematical curves defined over a set of control points
libdata-csv-clojure (1.0.0-1) [universe]
CSV reader/writer to/from Clojure data structures
libdata-fressian-clojure (1.0.0-3) [universe]
Read and write Fressian data from Clojure
libdata-generators-clojure (1.0.0-3) [universe]
Clojure library for generating random data
libdata-json-clojure (2.4.0-2) [universe]
JSON parser/generator to/from Clojure data structures
libdata-priority-map-clojure (1.1.0-3) [universe]
priority maps for Clojure
libdata-url-java (1.0.1-2) [universe]
Support for data URLs according to RFC 2397
libdata-xml-clojure (0.2.0~alpha6-3) [universe]
library for reading and writing XML data
libdd-plist-java (1.20-1.1) [universe]
Java library for working with property lists
libddogleg-java (0.22+ds-1) [universe]
library for non-linear optimization, clustering, robust model fitting and more
libdecentxml-java (1.4-2.1) [universe]
XML parser optimized for round-tripping and code reuse
libdeepboof-java (0.5.1+ds-1) [universe]
Java library for running deep neural networks
libderby-java ( [universe]
Apache Derby Database Engine and Embedded JDBC Driver
libderbyclient-java ( [universe]
Apache Derby Client JDBC Driver
libdexx-java (0.7-2) [universe]
immutable, persistent collection classes for Java
libdictzip-java (0.8.2-4build1) [universe]
DictZip library for Java
libdirgra-java (0.4-2) [universe]
Java library providing a simple directed graph implementation
libdisruptor-java (3.4.4-1) [universe]
Disruptor - High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library for Java
libdistlib-java (1.0-4) [universe]
Java library of statistical distribution functions
libdnsjava-java (2.1.8-2) [universe]
Implementation of DNS in Java
libdnssecjava-java (1.1.3-3) [universe]
DNSSEC validating stub resolver for Java
libdokujclient-java (3.9.1-1) [universe]
Client library for Dokuwiki's xmlrpc interface
libdoxia-core-java (1.12.0-1) [universe]
Doxia content generation framework (core)
libdrmaa1.0-java (8.1.9+dfsg-11build3) [universe]
Distributed resource management Application API library - Java bindings
libdropwizard-metrics-java (3.2.6-1) [universe]
capture JVM- and application-level metrics for Java applications
libdsiutils-java (2.7.3+dfsg-1) [universe]
Java library of statistical and text data handling tools
libdtd-parser-java (1.2-1) [universe]
Java library for parsing XML DTDs
libdtdinst-java (20220510-3) [universe]
XML DTD to XML instance format converter - Java library
libdujour-version-check-clojure (0.2.3-1) [universe]
up-to-date version checking for Clojure
libdumbster-java (1.6+debian-4) [universe]
very simple fake SMTP Server for testing purposes
libdynalang-java (0.4-3.1) [universe]
JVM Dynamic Languages Metaobject Protocol
libdynapath-clojure (1.0.0-3) [universe]
Clojure protocol and util functions for class loaders
libeasybind-java (1.0.3-2) [universe]
helper library for custom JavaFX bindings using lamdas
libeasyconf-java (0.9.5-6) [universe]
library to access configuration of software components
libeclipse-cdt-java (9.9.0-5) [universe]
C/C++ Development Tools for Eclipse (Java libraries)
libeclipse-collections-java (11.0.0.M3-3) [universe]
Eclipse Collections - comprehensive collections library for Java
libeclipse-compare-core-java (3.7.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Core Compare Support
libeclipse-compare-java (3.8.500+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Compare Support
libeclipse-core-commands-java (3.10.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Commands
libeclipse-core-contenttype-java (3.8.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Content Mechanism
libeclipse-core-databinding-beans-java (1.9.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse JFace Data Binding for JavaBeans
libeclipse-core-databinding-java (1.11.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse JFace Data Binding
libeclipse-core-databinding-observable-java (1.12.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse JFace Data Binding Observables
libeclipse-core-databinding-property-java (1.9.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse JFace Data Binding Properties
libeclipse-core-expressions-java (3.8.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Expression Language
libeclipse-core-externaltools-java (1.2.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse External Tools Headless Support
libeclipse-core-filebuffers-java (3.7.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse File Buffers
libeclipse-core-filesystem-java (1.9.500+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Core File Systems
libeclipse-core-jobs-java (3.13.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Core Jobs
libeclipse-core-net-java (1.4.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Internet Connection Management
libeclipse-core-resources-java (3.18.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Core Resource Management
libeclipse-core-runtime-java (3.26.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Core Runtime
libeclipse-core-variables-java (3.5.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Core Variables
libeclipse-debug-core-java (3.20.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Debug Core
libeclipse-debug-ui-java (3.17.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Debug UI
libeclipse-e4-core-commands-java (1.0.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse e4 core commands
libeclipse-e4-core-contexts-java (1.11.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Contexts
libeclipse-e4-core-di-annotations-java (1.7.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Dependency Injection Annotations
libeclipse-e4-core-di-extensions-java (0.17.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Dependency Injection Extensions
libeclipse-e4-core-di-extensions-supplier-java (0.16.400+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Dependency Injection Extensions Supplier
libeclipse-e4-core-di-java (1.8.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Dependency Injection
libeclipse-e4-core-services-java (2.3.400+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Application Services
libeclipse-e4-emf-xpath-java (0.3.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse EMF XPath
libeclipse-e4-ui-bindings-java (0.13.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Bindings Support
libeclipse-e4-ui-css-core-java (0.13.400+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse CSS Core Support
libeclipse-e4-ui-css-swt-java (0.14.700+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse CSS SWT Support
libeclipse-e4-ui-css-swt-theme-java (0.13.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse CSS SWT Theme Support
libeclipse-e4-ui-di-java (1.4.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse UI Dependency Injection
libeclipse-e4-ui-dialogs-java (1.3.400+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse e4 dialogs
libeclipse-e4-ui-ide-java (3.16.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse e4 IDE UI
libeclipse-e4-ui-model-workbench-java (2.2.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Workbench Model
libeclipse-e4-ui-progress-java (0.3.600+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse e4 Progress View
libeclipse-e4-ui-services-java (1.5.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse UI Application Services
libeclipse-e4-ui-swt-gtk-java (1.1.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse UI GTK Enhancements
libeclipse-e4-ui-widgets-java (1.3.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse UI Custom widgets
libeclipse-e4-ui-workbench-addons-swt-java (1.4.500+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse e4 Workbench Add-ons
libeclipse-e4-ui-workbench-java (1.14.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse e4 Workbench
libeclipse-e4-ui-workbench-renderers-swt-java (0.15.700+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse e4 Workbench SWT Renderer
libeclipse-e4-ui-workbench-swt-java (0.16.700+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse e4 Workbench SWT
libeclipse-e4-ui-workbench3-java (0.16.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Bundle for Workbench APIs available in e4
libeclipse-emf-common-java (2.27.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1) [universe]
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Common
libeclipse-emf-ecore-change-java (2.14.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1) [universe]
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Change Model
libeclipse-emf-ecore-java (2.29.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1) [universe]
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Ecore
libeclipse-emf-ecore-xmi-java (2.17.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1) [universe]
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) XML/XMI Persistence
libeclipse-emf-edit-java (2.17.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1) [universe]
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Edit
libeclipse-help-java (3.9.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Help System Core
libeclipse-jdt-annotation-java (2.2.700+eclipse4.26-2) [universe]
Eclipse JDT Annotations for Enhanced Null Analysis
libeclipse-jdt-apt-core-java (3.7.50+eclipse4.26-2) [universe]
Eclipse Java Annotation Processing Core
libeclipse-jdt-apt-pluggable-core-java (1.3.0+eclipse4.26-2) [universe]
Eclipse Java Compiler Apt IDE
libeclipse-jdt-astview-java (1.5.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse AST View Plug-in
libeclipse-jdt-compiler-apt-java (1.4.300+eclipse4.26-2) [universe]
Eclipse Java Compiler Apt
libeclipse-jdt-compiler-tool-java (1.3.200+eclipse4.26-2) [universe]
Eclipse Java Compiler Tool Support
libeclipse-jdt-core-java (3.32.0+eclipse4.26-2) [universe]
Eclipse Java Development Tools Core
libeclipse-jdt-core-manipulation-java (1.17.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Java Code Manipulation Functionality
libeclipse-jdt-debug-java (3.20.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse JDI Debug Model
libeclipse-jdt-debug-ui-java (3.12.900+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse JDI Debug UI
libeclipse-jdt-junit-core-java (3.11.500+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Java Development Tools JUnit core support
libeclipse-jdt-junit-runtime-java (3.7.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Java Development Tools JUnit Runtime Support
libeclipse-jdt-junit4-runtime-java (1.3.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Java Development Tools JUnit4 Runtime Support
libeclipse-jdt-launching-java (3.19.800+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Java Development Tools Launching Support
libeclipse-jdt-ui-java (3.27.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Java Development Tools UI
libeclipse-jem-util-java (2.1.201+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - Java EMF Model Utilities
libeclipse-jface-databinding-java (1.14.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse JFace Data Binding for SWT and JFace
libeclipse-jface-java (3.28.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse JFace
libeclipse-jface-notifications-java (0.5.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse JFace Notification API
libeclipse-jface-text-java (3.22.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse JFace Text
libeclipse-jsch-core-java (1.4.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse JSch Core
libeclipse-jsch-ui-java (1.4.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse JSch UI
libeclipse-linuxtools-java (8.1.0+dfsg.1-1) [universe]
framework for Eclipse CDT profiling tools (Java libraries)
libeclipse-ltk-core-refactoring-java (3.13.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Refactoring Core
libeclipse-ltk-ui-refactoring-java (3.12.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Refactoring UI
libeclipse-nebula-widgets-nattable-core-java (2.0.0+dfsg-1) [universe]
Nebula NatTable - high performance SWT data grid
libeclipse-osgi-compatibility-state-java (1.2.800+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Equinox State and Resolver Compatibility Fragment
libeclipse-osgi-java (3.18.200+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse OSGi System Bundle
libeclipse-osgi-services-java (3.11.100+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse OSGi Service Interfaces and Classes
libeclipse-remote-core-java (2.1.0+eclipse2.1.0-2) [universe]
Eclipse Remote Services API
libeclipse-remote-ui-java (2.0.0+eclipse2.1.0-2) [universe]
Eclipse Remote Services UI API
libeclipse-search-java (3.14.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Search Support
libeclipse-sisu-maven-plugin-java (0.3.5-1) [universe]
Manage Sisu components and applications
libeclipse-swtchart-java (0.14.0-1) [universe]
Eclipse SWTChart creates different types of charts
libeclipse-team-core-java (3.9.600+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Team Support Core
libeclipse-team-genericeditor-diff-extension-java (1.1.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Diff Extension for Generic Editor
libeclipse-team-ui-java (3.9.500+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Team Support UI
libeclipse-text-java (3.12.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Text
libeclipse-ui-browser-java (3.7.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Browser Support
libeclipse-ui-console-java (3.11.400+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Console
libeclipse-ui-editors-java (3.14.400+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Default Text Editor
libeclipse-ui-externaltools-java (3.5.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse External Tools
libeclipse-ui-forms-java (3.11.500+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse UI forms
libeclipse-ui-genericeditor-java (1.2.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
EEclipse Generic and Extensible Text Editor
libeclipse-ui-ide-application-java (1.4.600+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse IDE UI Application
libeclipse-ui-ide-java (3.20.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse IDE UI
libeclipse-ui-java (3.201.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse UI
libeclipse-ui-monitoring-java (1.2.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse UI Responsiveness Monitoring
libeclipse-ui-navigator-java (3.10.400+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Common Navigator View
libeclipse-ui-navigator-resources-java (3.8.500+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Navigator Workbench Components
libeclipse-ui-themes-java (1.2.2100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse SDK Themes
libeclipse-ui-views-java (3.11.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Views
libeclipse-ui-views-properties-tabbed-java (3.9.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Tabbed Properties View
libeclipse-ui-workbench-java (3.127.0+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Workbench
libeclipse-ui-workbench-texteditor-java (3.16.600+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse Text Editor Framework
libeclipse-urischeme-java (1.2.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Eclipse URI Scheme Handling
libeclipse-wst-common-core-java (1.3.0+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - WST Common Core Plug-in
libeclipse-wst-common-emf-java (1.2.600+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - EMF Utilities
libeclipse-wst-common-emfworkbench-integration-java (1.2.101+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - EMF Workbench Edit Plug-in
libeclipse-wst-common-environment-java (1.0.400+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - Environment Plug-in
libeclipse-wst-common-frameworks-java (1.2.201+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - Common Frameworks
libeclipse-wst-common-frameworks-ui-java (1.2.400+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - WTP UI Plug-in
libeclipse-wst-common-project-facet-core-java (1.4.400+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - Eclipse Faceted Project Framework
libeclipse-wst-common-ui-java (1.1.700+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - Eclipse Base UI extensions
libeclipse-wst-common-uriresolver-java (1.2.300+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - Common URI Resolver Framework
libeclipse-wst-sse-core-java (1.2.400+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - Structured Source Model
libeclipse-wst-sse-ui-java (1.7.0+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - Structured Source Editor
libeclipse-wst-validation-java (1.2.800+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - Validation Framework
libeclipse-wst-validation-ui-java (1.2.600+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - Validation Framework UI
libeclipse-wst-xml-core-java (1.2.200+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - Structured Source XML Model
libeclipse-wst-xml-ui-java (1.2.400+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
libeclipse-wst-xsd-core-java (1.2.0+eclipse3.18-6) [universe]
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - XSD Core Plugin
libeclipse-xsd-java (2.17.0+eclipse2.22.0-2) [universe]
XML Schema Definition (XSD) for Eclipse
libeclipselink-java (2.7.11-1) [universe]
Eclipse Persistence Services Project
libeigenbase-farrago-java (0.9.0-3) [universe]
Java framework for constructing RDBMS services
libeigenbase-resgen-java ( [universe]
Java i18n code generator from XML files
libejml-java (0.41+ds-2) [universe]
Efficient Java Matrix Library
libel-api-java (3.0.0-3) [universe]
Expression Language API
libencore-clojure (3.22.0-2) [universe]
Core utils library for Clojure/Script
libeprosima-idl-parser-java (1.4.0+dfsg-2) [universe]
IDL parser library for eProsima FastDDS
libequinox-app-java (1.6.200+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Application Container
libequinox-bidi-java (1.4.200+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Bidirectional Text Support
libequinox-cm-java (1.5.100+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Configuration Admin
libequinox-common-java (3.17.0+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Common Utility Bundle
libequinox-concurrent-java (1.2.100+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Concurrent API
libequinox-console-java (1.4.500+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Console plug-in
libequinox-coordinator-java (1.5.100+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Coordinator
libequinox-device-java (1.1.300+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Device Access Service
libequinox-event-java (1.6.100+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Event Admin
libequinox-executable-jni (3.8.1900+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Platform Launcher Executables
libequinox-frameworkadmin-equinox-java (1.2.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Framework Admin for Equinox
libequinox-frameworkadmin-java (2.2.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Framework Admin
libequinox-http-jetty-java (3.8.200+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Jetty HTTP Service
libequinox-http-registry-java (1.3.200+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox HTTP Registry
libequinox-http-servlet-java (1.7.400+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox HTTP Services Servlet
libequinox-http-servletbridge-java (1.2.200+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Servletbridge HTTP Service
libequinox-jsp-jasper-java (1.1.700+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Jasper Jsp Support Bundle
libequinox-jsp-jasper-registry-java (1.2.100+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Jasper Jsp Registry Support Plug-in
libequinox-launcher-java (1.6.400+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Launcher
libequinox-metatype-java (1.6.200+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Meta Type
libequinox-osgi-java (3.9.1-6) [universe]
Equinox OSGi framework (Transitional)
libequinox-p2-artifact-repository-java (1.4.600+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Artifact Repository Support
libequinox-p2-console-java (1.2.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Console
libequinox-p2-core-java (2.9.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox p2 Core
libequinox-p2-director-app-java (1.2.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Director Application
libequinox-p2-director-java (2.5.400+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Director
libequinox-p2-directorywatcher-java (1.3.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Directory Watcher
libequinox-p2-discovery-java (1.2.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Discovery
libequinox-p2-engine-java (2.7.500+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Engine
libequinox-p2-extensionlocation-java (1.4.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Extension Location Repository Support
libequinox-p2-garbagecollector-java (1.2.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Garbage Collector
libequinox-p2-jarprocessor-java (1.2.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning JAR Processor
libequinox-p2-metadata-java (2.6.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Metadata
libequinox-p2-metadata-repository-java (1.4.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Metadata Repository
libequinox-p2-operations-java (2.6.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Operations API
libequinox-p2-publisher-eclipse-java (1.4.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Publisher for Eclipse
libequinox-p2-publisher-java (1.7.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Publisher Infrastructure
libequinox-p2-reconciler-dropins-java (1.4.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Drop-in
libequinox-p2-repository-java (2.6.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Repository
libequinox-p2-repository-tools-java (2.3.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Repository Tools
libequinox-p2-touchpoint-eclipse-java (2.3.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Eclipse Touchpoint
libequinox-p2-touchpoint-natives-java (1.4.400+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Native Touchpoint
libequinox-p2-ui-java (2.7.700+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning UI Support
libequinox-p2-updatechecker-java (1.3.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Update Checker
libequinox-p2-updatesite-java (1.2.300+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Provisioning Legacy Update Site Support
libequinox-preferences-java (3.10.100+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Preferences Mechanism
libequinox-region-java (1.5.300+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Region
libequinox-registry-java (3.11.200+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Extension Registry Support
libequinox-security-java (1.3.1000+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)
libequinox-security-ui-java (1.3.400+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Equinox Security Default UI
libequinox-servletbridge-java (1.6.200+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Servletbridge
libequinox-simpleconfigurator-java (1.4.200+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Simple Configurator
libequinox-simpleconfigurator-manipulator-java (2.2.100+eclipse4.26-1) [universe]
Equinox Simple Configurator Manipulator
libequinox-transforms-hook-java (1.3.200+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Transformer Hook Framework Extension
libequinox-transforms-xslt-java (1.2.200+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Transforms XSLT
libequinox-useradmin-java (1.2.300+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox User Admin Service
libequinox-weaving-caching-java (1.2.200+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Weaving Caching
libequinox-weaving-hook-java (1.3.200+eclipse4.26-4build1) [universe]
Eclipse Equinox Weaving Hook
liberror-prone-java (2.18.0-1) [universe]
Catch common Java mistakes as compile-time errors
libescapevelocity-java (0.9.1-2) [universe]
Subset reimplementation of Apache Velocity with a much simpler API
libeuclid-java (2.8-1) [universe]
Java library for 2D and 3D geometric calculations
libexcalibur-logkit-java (2.0-12) [universe]
Lightweight and fast designed logging toolkit for Java
libexec-maven-plugin-java (3.1.0-2) [universe]
Exec Maven Plugin
libexternalsortinginjava-java (0.6.1-2) [universe]
External-Memory Sorting in Java
libez-vcard-java (0.11.2+dfsg-1) [universe]
vCard library
libf2j-java (0.8.1+dfsg-5) [multiverse]
Java library port of Fortran numerical libraries
libfailsafe-java (3.3.2-2) [universe]
fault tolerance and resilience patterns Java library
libfannj-java (0.7-1) [universe]
FannJ a Java binding to the Fast Artificial Neural Network (FANN) C library
libfast-zip-clojure (0.7.0+really0.5.0-1) [universe]
modification of clojure.zip that uses protocols and records
libfast-zip-visit-clojure (1.0.2-3) [universe]
Clojure zipper-based visitor library (fast-zip version)
libfastinfoset-java (1.2.12-3) [universe]
Java library implementing the Fast Infoset standard
libfastutil-java (8.5.12+dfsg-1) [universe]
Java API providing type-specific maps, sets, lists and queues
libfelix-bundlerepository-java (2.0.10-4) [universe]
Felix OSGi bundle repository service
libfelix-framework-java (4.6.1-2.1) [universe]
Felix Framework subproject
libfelix-gogo-command-java (0.14.0-2.1) [universe]
Apache Felix Gogo Command bundle
libfelix-gogo-runtime-java (0.16.2-1.1) [universe]
Apache Felix Gogo Runtime bundle
libfelix-gogo-shell-java (0.12.0-1.1) [universe]
Apache Felix Gogo Shell bundle
libfelix-main-java (5.0.0-5) [universe]
Libraries to instantiate and execute the Felix Framework
libfelix-osgi-obr-java (1.0.2-5fakesync1) [universe]
OSGi OBR Service API
libfelix-resolver-java (1.16.0-1) [universe]
OSGi Resolver implementation by Apache Felix
libfelix-scr-java (2.1.20-2) [universe]
Felix Service Component Runtime
libfelix-shell-java (1.4.3-2) [universe]
Felix OSGi shell to issue commands to the framework
libfelix-shell-tui-java (1.4.1-4) [universe]
Apache Felix Shell TUI
libfelix-utils-java (1.8.6-1.1) [universe]
collection of utility classes for Apache Felix
libfest-assert-java (2.0~M10-1.1) [universe]
Java library that provides a fluent interface for writing assertions
libfest-reflect-java (1.4.1-4) [universe]
Java library for fluent reflection
libfest-test-java (2.1.0-1.1) [universe]
common testing code for FEST (Fixtures for Easy Software Testing) packages
libfest-util-java (1.2.5-1.1) [universe]
common utilities for FEST (Fixtures for Easy Software Testing) packages
libfinbin-java (0.6.2-3) [universe]
finbin - java library for hi-speed byte array search
libfindbugs-annotations-java (3.1.0~preview2-3) [universe]
Static java code analyzer to find bugs (Annotations)
libfindbugs-ant-java (3.1.0~preview2-3) [universe]
Static java code analyzer to find bugs (Ant tasks)
libfindbugs-java (3.1.0~preview2-3) [universe]
Static java code analyzer to find bugs (Library)
libfits-java (1.15.2-2) [universe]
Java library for the I/O handling of FITS files
libflamingo-java (7.3+dfsg3-5.1) [universe]
Provides a swing ribbon container for Java applications
libfontawesomefx-java (9.1.2-3) [universe]
Font Awesome perfectly integrated into JavaFX
libfontbox2-java (2.0.29-1) [universe]
Java font library
libfontchooser-java (1.0.0-3) [universe]
Java control to allow font selection
libfonts-java (1.1.6.dfsg2-1) [universe]
Java fonts layouting library
libfop-java (1:2.8-3) [universe]
XML formatter driven by XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO.) - libs
libformula-java (1.1.7.dfsg-4) [universe]
Excel(tm) style formula expressions library
libfreehep-chartableconverter-plugin-java (2.0-10) [universe]
FreeHEP Character Table Converter
libfreehep-export-java (2.1.1-4) [universe]
FreeHEP Export and Save As Library
libfreehep-graphics2d-java (2.4+dfsg-3) [universe]
FreeHEP 2D Graphics Library
libfreehep-graphicsbase-java (2.4+dfsg-3) [universe]
FreeHEP Graphics Base Library
libfreehep-graphicsio-emf-java (2.4+dfsg-3) [universe]
FreeHEP Enhanced Metafile Format Driver
libfreehep-graphicsio-java (2.4+dfsg-3) [universe]
FreeHEP GraphicsIO Base Library
libfreehep-graphicsio-java-java (2.4+dfsg-3) [universe]
FreeHEP Java Driver
libfreehep-graphicsio-pdf-java (2.4+dfsg-3) [universe]
FreeHEP Portable Document Format Driver
libfreehep-graphicsio-ps-java (2.4+dfsg-3) [universe]
FreeHEP (Encapsulated) PostScript Driver
libfreehep-graphicsio-svg-java (2.4+dfsg-3) [universe]
FreeHEP Scalable Vector Graphics Driver
libfreehep-graphicsio-swf-java (2.4+dfsg-3) [universe]
FreeHEP SWF (Flash) Driver
libfreehep-graphicsio-tests-java (2.4+dfsg-3) [universe]
FreeHEP GraphicsIO Test Library
libfreehep-io-java (2.0.2-6) [universe]
FreeHEP I/O library
libfreehep-swing-java (2.0.3-5) [universe]
FreeHEP swing extensions
libfreehep-util-java (2.0.2-7) [universe]
FreeHEP utility library
libfreehep-xml-java (2.1.2+dfsg1-5) [universe]
FreeHEP XML Library
libfressian-java (0.6.6-3) [universe]
extensible binary data notation
libgatk-bwamem-java (1.0.4+dfsg2-2build1) [universe]
interface to call Heng Li's bwa mem aligner from Java code
libgatk-bwamem-jni (1.0.4+dfsg2-2build1) [universe]
interface to call Heng Li's bwa mem aligner from Java code (jni)
libgatk-fermilite-java (1.2.1+dfsg-2build1) [universe]
interface to call Heng Li's fermi-lite assembler from Java code
libgatk-fermilite-jni (1.2.1+dfsg-2build1) [universe]
interface to call Heng Li's fermi-lite assembler from Java code (jni)
libgatk-native-bindings-java (1.0.0+dfsg-2) [universe]
library of native bindings for gatk and picard-tools
libgdcm-java (3.0.22-2.1ubuntu1) [universe]
Grassroots DICOM Java bindings
libgentlyweb-utils-java (1.5-2) [universe]
java utility library used by josql
libgeoregression-java (0.24+ds-1) [universe]
Geometric Regression Library
libgeronimo-annotation-1.3-spec-java (1.3-1) [universe]
Apache Geronimo Common Annotations 1.3 API
libgeronimo-commonj-spec-java (1.1.1-4) [universe]
Java API for concurrent programming of EJBs and Servlets
libgeronimo-concurrent-1.0-spec-java (1.0~alpha-1-1.1) [universe]
Apache Geronimo Concurrency Utilities for Java EE API
libgeronimo-ejb-3.2-spec-java (1.0~alpha-1-3) [universe]
Apache Geronimo EJB 3.2 API
libgeronimo-interceptor-3.0-spec-java (1.0.1-4fakesync) [universe]
Geronimo API implementation of the Interceptor 3.0 spec
libgeronimo-j2ee-management-1.1-spec-java (1.0.1-1.1) [universe]
Apache Geronimo J2EE Management 1.1 API
libgeronimo-jacc-1.1-spec-java (1.0.3-1) [universe]
Geronimo API implementation of the JACC 1.1 spec
libgeronimo-jcache-1.0-spec-java (1.0~alpha-1-2) [universe]
Apache Geronimo JCache 1.0 API
libgeronimo-jpa-2.0-spec-java (1.1-4) [universe]
Geronimo JSR-317 Java Persistence (JPA) 2.0 Spec API
libgeronimo-jta-1.2-spec-java (1.0~alpha-1-2) [universe]
Apache Geronimo JTA 1.2 API
libgeronimo-osgi-support-java (1.1-2) [universe]
Java libraries providing OSGi lookup support for Geronimo projects
libgeronimo-validation-1.0-spec-java (1.1-3) [universe]
Geronimo JSR-303 Bean Validation Spec API
libgeronimo-validation-1.1-spec-java (1.0-2) [universe]
Geronimo JSR-349 Bean Validation Spec API
libgettext-ant-tasks-java (0.9.7+svn206-1.1) [universe]
Java classes for internationalization (i18n) - Ant tasks
libgettext-maven-plugin-java (1.2.9-4) [universe]
plugin to integrate gettext tools into a Maven build
libgkl-java (0.8.11+dfsg-2build1) [universe]
Java library to manipulate SAM and BAM files
libglpk-java (1.12.0-2build1) [universe]
Java binding to the GNU Linear Programming Kit
libgluegen2-build-java (2.5.0+dfsg-2build1) [universe]
tool to automatically generate Java and JNI code (Java sources)
libgluegen2-jni (2.5.0+dfsg-2build1) [universe]
tool to automatically generate Java and JNI code (native library)
libgluegen2-rt-java (2.5.0+dfsg-2build1) [universe]
tool to automatically generate Java and JNI code (runtime files)
libgmavenplus-java (1.8.1-1) [universe]
GMavenPlus Plugin
libgmbal-commons-java (3.2.1-b003-1.1) [universe]
GlassFish MBean Annotation Library (Common APIs)
libgmbal-java (4.0.0-b002-1.1) [universe]
GlassFish MBean Annotation Library
libgmbal-pfl-java (4.0.1-b003-2) [universe]
GlassFish MBean Annotation Library (Primitive Function Library)
libgmetrics-groovy-java (0.7-5) [universe]
Groovy library that provides reports and metrics for Groovy code
libgoogle-api-client-java (1.27.1-3) [universe]
Google APIs Client Library for Java
libgoogle-api-services-drive-java (1.32.1-2) [universe]
Google Drive API Client Library for Java
libgoogle-api-services-sheets-java (1.32.1-3) [universe]
Google Sheets API Client Library for Java
libgoogle-auth-java (0.18.0-2) [universe]
Open source authentication client library for Java
libgoogle-auto-common-java (1.1.2-1) [universe]
Set of common utilities to help ease use of annotation processing
libgoogle-auto-service-java (1.0.1-1) [universe]
collection of source code generators for Java
libgoogle-auto-value-java (1.8.2-2) [universe]
Generated immutable value classes for Java 7+
libgoogle-common-protos-java (1.16.0+ds-2) [universe]
Google common protos for Java
libgoogle-flogger-java (0.5.1-3) [universe]
Fluent Logging API for Java
libgoogle-gson-java (2.10.1-1) [universe]
Converts Java objects into their JSON representation
libgoogle-http-client-java (1.42.0-2) [universe]
Google HTTP Client Library for Java
libgoogle-oauth-client-java (1.34.1-2) [universe]
Google OAuth Client Library for Java
libgossip-java (1.8-2.1) [universe]
Small and fast logging provider for SLF4J
libgpars-groovy-java (1.2.1-11) [universe]
open-source concurrency library for Groovy
libgradle-android-plugin-java (2.2.2-4ubuntu1) [universe]
Android Plugin for Gradle
libgradle-core-java (4.4.1-20) [universe]
Powerful build system for the JVM - Core libraries
libgradle-jflex-plugin-java (0.0.2-5) [universe]
Gradle plugin for JFlex, a scanner generator
libgradle-kotlin-dsl-java (0.13.2-5build1) [universe]
Gradle Kotlin DSL
libgradle-plugins-java (4.4.1-20) [universe]
Powerful build system for the JVM - All plugins
libgral-java (0.11-2) [universe]
Java library for displaying plots (graphs, diagrams, and charts)
libgrammatica-java (1.6+ds-4) [universe]
C# and Java parser generator (compiler compiler)
libgraxxia-java (1.0~20150714-2.1) [universe]
Wrappers for doing Mathematics in Groovy
libgrengine-java (3.0.2+dfsg-2) [universe]
engine for running and embedding Groovy in a Java virtual machine
libgroovycsv-java (1.3-3) [universe]
CSV parsing library for Groovy
libgrpc-java (1.41.3+ds-3build2) [universe]
Java gRPC implementation, HTTP/2 based RPC
libgs-collections-java (5.1.0-6) [universe]
Goldman Sachs Collections
libguava-java (32.0.1-1) [universe]
Suite of Google common libraries for Java
libguava-mini-java (0.1.4-1) [universe]
utilities from Guava
libguava-testlib-java (32.0.1-1) [universe]
Google Testing Libraries for Java
libguestfs-java (1:1.52.0-5ubuntu3) [universe]
guest disk image management system - Java bindings
libguice-java (4.2.3-2) [universe]
lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 5 and above
libh2-java (2.2.220-1) [universe]
H2 Database Engine
libhac-java (0.20110510+git20110510.8b2a326-1) [universe]
hierarchical agglomerative clustering
libhawtbuf-java (1.11-2) [universe]
HawtBuf rich byte buffer library
libhawtdispatch-java (1.22-3) [universe]
libdispatch style API for Java and Scala
libhawtjni-generator-java (1.18-1) [universe]
HawtJNI Generator
libhawtjni-maven-plugin-java (1.18-1) [universe]
HawtJNI Maven Plugin
libhawtjni-runtime-java (1.18-1) [universe]
Java library that provide JNI code generation
libhbci4j-core-java (3.1.72-1) [universe]
Java online banking client using the HBCI standard
libhdf5-java (1.10.10+repack-3.1ubuntu4) [universe]
HDF5 - Java Wrapper Library
libhdrhistogram-java (2.1.11-1) [universe]
High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram
libheadius-options-java (1.7-1) [universe]
Java library for JVM property-driven configuration
libhealpix-java (3.60+ds-5) [universe]
HEALPix representation of spherical data - Java library
libhessian-java (4.0.38-3) [universe]
Java implementation of a binary protocol for web services
libhibernate-validator4-java (4.3.4-7) [universe]
Hibernate Validator
libhiccup-clojure (1.0.5-1.1) [universe]
fast library for rendering HTML in Clojure
libhikaricp-java (2.7.9-1) [universe]
high-performance JDBC connection pool library
libhmsbeagle-java (3.1.2+dfsg-13build1) [universe]
High-performance lib for Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood phylogenetics (java)
libhoneysql-clojure (2.4.962+really2.3.911-1) [universe]
library for mapping Clojure data structures to SQL
libhppcrt-java (0.7.5-2) [universe]
High Performance Primitive Collections RealTime
libhsqldb1.8.0-java ( [universe]
Java SQL database engine
libhtml5parser-java (1.4+r1.3.1-3) [universe]
validator.nu HTML parser implementation in Java
libhtmlcleaner-java (2.29+dfsg-1) [universe]
Java HTML Parser library
libhtrace-core-java (3.1.0-2.1) [universe]
Tracing framework for distributed systems written in Java
libhtsjdk-java (4.1.0+dfsg-1) [universe]
Java API for high-throughput sequencing data (HTS) formats
libhttp-nio-java (1.1.0+dfsg-3) [universe]
http/s file system provider for Java NIO.2
libhttpasyncclient-java (4.1.5-1) [universe]
HTTP/1.1 compliant asynchronous HTTP agent implementation
libhttpclient-java (4.5.14-1) [universe]
HTTP/1.1 compliant HTTP agent implementation
libhttpclient5-java (5.2.1-1) [universe]
HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 compliant HTTP agent implementation
libhttpcore-java (4.4.16-1) [universe]
set of low level HTTP transport components for Java
libhttpcore5-java (5.2.2-1) [universe]
set of low level HTTP transport components for Java
libhttpmime-java (4.5.14-1) [universe]
HTTP/1.1 compliant HTTP agent implementation - MIME extension
libhyperic-sigar-java (1.6.4+dfsg-7build1) [universe]
System Information Gatherer And Reporter - Java bindings
libicb-utils-java (2.0.1+git20161002.afee1d9-5) [universe]
Java library of utilities to manage files and compute statistics
libiconloader-java (0.0+git20170615+dfsg1-2) [universe]
Smart Java Icon Loader with support of HiDPI (Retina) images
libicu4j-4.4-java ( [universe]
Library for Unicode support and internationalization
libidm-console-framework-java (2.0.0-1) [universe]
IDM Console Framework for the 389 Directory Server Console
libidw-java (1.6.1-1.1) [universe]
InfoNode Docking Windows (similar to JInternalFrames)
libij-java (1.54g-1) [universe]
Java library for ImageJ
libimglib2-java (4.5.0-1) [universe]
multidimensional image processing library in Java
libimgscalr-java (4.2-2) [universe]
Java Image Scaling Library
libindigo-java (1.2.3-3.1build1) [universe]
Organic Chemistry Toolkit (Java package)
libinfomas-asl-java (3.0.5-3) [universe]
INFOMAS ASL Annotation Detector
libinstaparse-clojure (1.4.7-1.1) [universe]
simple way to build parsers in Clojure
libintellij-annotations-java (23.0.0-2) [universe]
transitional package for libjetbrains-annotations-java
libintellij-core-java (183.5153.4-4ubuntu1) [universe]
IntelliJ IDEA Core API
libintellij-extensions-java (183.5153.4-4ubuntu1) [universe]
IntelliJ IDEA Extension Point Framework
libintellij-java-compatibility-java (1.0.1-2) [universe]
Classes from JDK8 excluded from JDK9
libintellij-jps-model-java (183.5153.4-4ubuntu1) [universe]
IntelliJ IDEA Project Model
libintellij-platform-api-java (183.5153.4-4ubuntu1) [universe]
IntelliJ IDEA Platform API
libintellij-platform-impl-java (183.5153.4-4ubuntu1) [universe]
IntelliJ IDEA Platform Implementation
libintellij-utils-java (183.5153.4-4ubuntu1) [universe]
IntelliJ IDEA utility classes
libintervalstorej-java (1.2+dfsg-5) [universe]
Java implementation of the Nested Containment List data structure
libinvokebinder-java (1.13-1) [universe]
Java DSL for binding method handles
libiscwt-java (5.3.20100629-4.1) [universe]
abstractions and Java implementations for rendering PDF
libisfreetype-java (5.3.20100629-3.1) [universe]
Java wrapper for FreeType font handling library
libisnativec-java (5.3.20100629+fix-4) [universe]
helper routines to access native code from Java
libisoparser-java (1.1.22-1) [universe]
Generic parser and writer for ISO 14496 based files
libisorelax-java (20041111-14) [universe]
Interface for applications to support RELAX Core
libisrt-java (4.8.20100629-3) [universe]
common runtime library by intarsys
libistack-commons-java (3.0.6-5) [universe]
Common code for some Glassfish projects
libitext1-java (1.4-7) [universe]
Java Library to generate PDF on the Fly
libitext5-java ( [universe]
Java Library to create and manipulate PDF on the fly
libjaba-client-java (2.2.0-2) [universe]
minimal client for the JABAWS server
libjackrabbit-java (2.20.11-1) [universe]
content repository implementation (JCR API)
libjackson-json-java (1.9.13-2) [universe]
streaming fast powerful standard conformant json processor in java
libjackson2-annotations-java (2.14.0-1) [universe]
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- annotations
libjackson2-core-java (2.14.1-1) [universe]
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- core library
libjackson2-databind-java (2.14.0-1) [universe]
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- data binding
libjackson2-dataformat-cbor (2.7.8-5) [universe]
Jackson data format module for RfC7049 Concise Binary Object Representation
libjackson2-dataformat-smile (2.7.8-5) [universe]
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- Smile dataformat
libjackson2-dataformat-xml-java (2.14.0-1) [universe]
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- XML dataformat
libjackson2-dataformat-yaml (2.8.11-4) [universe]
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- YAML dataformat
libjackson2-datatype-joda-java (2.12.1-2) [universe]
fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- Joda datatypes
libjackson2-jaxrs-providers-java (2.12.1-1) [universe]
Jackson JAX-RS providers
libjackson2-jr-java (2.14.0-1) [universe]
JSON library for Java -- standalone data-binding module
libjackson2-module-jaxb-annotations-java (2.8.10-4) [universe]
Fast and powerful JSON library for Java -- JAXB annotations
libjackson2-modules-java8-java (2.14.2+ds2-2) [universe]
Jackson support modules for Java 8
libjacksum-sugar-java (1.7.0+ds-1) [universe]
Library building parts of numerical chameleon
libjacoco-java (0.8.11-1) [universe]
free code coverage library for Java
libjakarta-activation-java (2.0.0-1) [universe]
Jakarta Activation
libjakarta-annotation-api-java (2.1.1-1) [universe]
Annotations for common semantic concepts in the Java SE & Jakarta EE platforms
libjakarta-el-api-java (5.0.1-1) [universe]
Jakarta Expression Language API
libjakarta-interceptor-api-java (2.1.0-2) [universe]
Jakarta Interceptors API
libjakarta-mail-java (2.0.0-2) [universe]
Jakarta Mail API
libjakarta-servlet-api-java (6.0.0-2) [universe]
Jakarta Servlet API
libjakarta-validation-api-java (3.0.2-1) [universe]
Jakarta Bean Validation API
libjam-java (0.1.git20180106.740247a+dfsg-1) [universe]
Java applications look and behave like native applications
libjameica-datasource-java (2.8.1+dfsg-4) [universe]
OR mapper for Jameica - Java library
libjameica-util-java (2.8-3) [universe]
utility classes for Jameica - Java library
libjamm-java (0.4.0-2) [universe]
Java Agent for Memory Measurements
libjanino-java (2.7.0-2.1) [universe]
runtime compiler for Java expressions - library
libjansi-java (2.4.1-2) [universe]
Java library for generating and interpreting ANSI escape sequences
libjansi-native-java (1.8-2) [universe]
Java library for ANSI escape sequences - native component
libjansi1-java (1.18-3ubuntu1) [universe]
Java library for generating and interpreting ANSI escape sequences
libjarchivelib-java (1.2.0-2) [universe]
simple archiving and compression library for Java
libjarjar-maven-plugin-java (1.9-8) [universe]
Maven plugin to repackage third-party jars
libjas-java (2.5.4408-1.1) [universe]
Java object-oriented type-safe Algebra System
libjas-plotter-java (2.2.6+dfsg1-4) [universe]
JAS(2) Plotter graphic library
libjasypt-java (1.9.3-1) [universe]
java library for simple high-level encryption
libjatl-java (0.2.3-1.1) [universe]
JATL - Java Anti-Template Language
libjava-allocation-instrumenter-java (3.1.0-2) [universe]
JVM agent tracking memory allocations
libjava-classpath-clojure (1.0.0-1) [universe]
examine the Java classpath from Clojure programs
libjava-jdbc-clojure (0.7.10-1) [universe]
Clojure interface to sql databases via jdbc
libjava-jmx-clojure (0.3.4-1.1) [universe]
produce and consume JMX beans from Clojure
libjava-string-similarity-java (2.0.0-1) [universe]
library of different string similarity and distance measures
libjava-xmlbuilder-java (0.4-2.1) [universe]
XML Builder Java library for creating XML documents
libjavacc-maven-plugin-java (2.6-5) [universe]
maven plugin which uses JavaCC to process JavaCC grammar files
libjavaewah-java (1.2.3-1) [universe]
Compressed variant of the Java bitset class
libjavafxsvg-java (1.2.1-2) [universe]
CenterDevice JavaFxSVG library
libjavaparser-java (3.16.3-2) [universe]
Java library for parsing Java 7
libjavapoet-java (1.13.0-1) [universe]
Java API for generating .java source files
libjavatuples-java (1.2-2) [universe]
Java library for tuples in Java.
libjavawriter-java (2.5.1-2) [universe]
Java API for generating .java source files
libjawn-java (0.11.1+really0.6.0-1) [universe]
Scala json parser
libjax-maven-plugin (0.1.8+dfsg-2) [universe]
Using the xjc goal with OpenJDK 11+
libjaxb-api-java (2.3.1-1) [universe]
Java Architecture for XML Binding API
libjaxb-java ( [universe]
JAXB Reference Implementation
libjaxb2-maven-plugin-java (2.5.0-1) [universe]
JAXB-2 Maven Plugin
libjaxe-java (3.5-14) [universe]
JAva Xml Editor - library
libjaxrpc-api-java (1.1.2-2) [universe]
Java API for XML based RPC (JAX-RPC)
libjaxrs-api-java (2.1.2-2) [universe]
Java API for RESTful Services (JAX-RS)
libjaxws-api-java (2.3.0-1.1) [universe]
Java API for XML-Based Web Services
libjaxws-java ( [universe]
JAX-WS Reference Implementation (Library)
libjbbp-java (2.0.3-1) [universe]
comfortable way to work with binary data in Java
libjbcrypt-java (0.4-3) [universe]
Java implementation of OpenBSD's Blowfish hashing
libjboss-bridger-java (1.6-1) [universe]
Java Bridge Method Maker
libjboss-classfilewriter-java (1.3.0-1) [universe]
bytecode writer that creates .class files at runtime
libjboss-jdeparser2-java (2.0.3-2) [universe]
Java source code generating library
libjboss-logging-java (3.5.3-1) [universe]
JBoss Logging Framework
libjboss-logging-tools-java (2.2.1-3ubuntu1) [universe]
create internationalized logger messages and exceptions
libjboss-logmanager-java (2.1.18-1) [universe]
implementation of java.util.logging.LogManager
libjboss-modules-java (2.1.2-1) [universe]
Modular Classloading System
libjboss-threads-java (3.5.0-1) [universe]
JBoss Threads
libjboss-vfs-java (3.2.15.Final-3) [universe]
libjboss-xnio-java (3.8.10-1) [universe]
simplified low-level I/O layer for NIO
libjbzip2-java (0.9.1-8) [universe]
bzip2 compression/decompression library
libjcabi-aspects-java (0.22.6-1) [universe]
Collection of AOP/AspectJ Java Aspects
libjcabi-log-java (0.19.0-1) [universe]
Static Wrapper of SLF4
libjcdf-java (1.2.4+dfsg-1) [universe]
Java library to read files in the NASA Common Data Format
libjchart2d-java (3.2.2+dfsg2-3) [universe]
Java library for precise 2D charting visualizations
libjcm-java (1.0-1.1) [universe]
Java Components for Mathematics
libjcodings-java (1.0.58-1) [universe]
Java-based codings helper classes for Joni and JRuby
libjcommander-java (1.71-4) [universe]
Java framework for parsing command line parameters
libjcsp-java (1.1-rc4-3) [universe]
Java library providing Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) features
libjctools-java (2.0.2-1) [universe]
Java Concurrency Tools for the JVM
libjdeb-java (1.10-1) [universe]
utility to construct Debian packages from Ant or Maven
libjdependency-java (1.4-1) [universe]
Java library analyzing class level dependencies
libjdom2-intellij-java (2.0.6+git20180529-3) [universe]
lightweight and fast XML DOM library (IntelliJ version)
libjdom2-java ( [universe]
lightweight and fast library using XML
libjebl2-java (0.1+git20230701.b3c0f25-1) [universe]
Java Evolutionary Biology Library
libjemmy2-java ( [universe]
Java library for automated Java GUI testing
libjengelman-shadow-java (4.0.3-3) [universe]
Gradle plugin for creating fat/uber JARs with support for package relocation.
libjenkins-json-java (2.4-jenkins-3-7) [universe]
Library for transforming Java objects between XML and JSON
libjenkins-trilead-ssh2-java (217-jenkins-8-2) [universe]
Trilead SSH2 implementation for Java (Jenkins variant)
libjep-java (2.4.1+ds-4) [universe]
Java Expression Parser
libjericho-html-java (3.2-2) [universe]
Java based library for HTML Parsing
libjeromq-java (0.3.6-1.1) [universe]
Java implementation of the ZeroMQ messaging library
libjersey1-atom-java (1.19.3-8) [universe]
RESTful Web Services in Java (atom module)
libjersey1-client-java (1.19.3-8) [universe]
RESTful Web Services in Java (client module)
libjersey1-core-java (1.19.3-8) [universe]
RESTful Web Services in Java (core library)
libjersey1-fastinfoset-java (1.19.3-8) [universe]
RESTful Web Services in Java (fastinfoset module)
libjersey1-guice-java (1.19.3-8) [universe]
RESTful Web Services in Java (guice module)
libjersey1-json-java (1.19.3-8) [universe]
RESTful Web Services in Java (json module)
libjersey1-server-java (1.19.3-8) [universe]
RESTful Web Services in Java (server module)
libjersey1-servlet-java (1.19.3-8) [universe]
RESTful Web Services in Java (servlet module)
libjetbrains-annotations-java (23.0.0-2) [universe]
annotations used for code inspection support and code documentation
libjets3t-java (0.8.1+dfsg-4) [universe]
Java interface to Amazon S3 and CloudFront services
libjetty9-extra-java (9.4.53-1) [universe]
Java servlet engine and webserver -- extra libraries
libjetty9-java (9.4.53-1) [universe]
Java servlet engine and webserver -- core libraries
libjffi-java (1.3.13+ds-1) [universe]
Java Foreign Function Interface
libjffi-jni (1.3.13+ds-1) [universe]
Java Foreign Function Interface (JNI library)
libjflex-maven-plugin-java (1.7.0-2) [universe]
Maven plugin to generate Lexer code in Java
libjformatstring-java (0.10~20131207-2.1) [universe]
Java format string compile-time checker
libjfreechart-swt-java (1.0.19-3) [universe]
Chart library for Java (SWT support)
libjfreesvg-java (4.1-2) [universe]
Java graphics library to generate content in SVG format
libjfugue-java (4.0.3-5) [universe]
Java API for music programming
libjgit-ant-java (4.11.9-2) [universe]
Java implementation of GIT version control (Ant interface)
libjgit-java (4.11.9-2) [universe]
Java implementation of GIT version control
libjglobus-axisg-java (2.1.0-9) [universe]
Globus Java - Apache AXIS support
libjglobus-gram-java (2.1.0-9) [universe]
Globus Java - Grid Resource Allocation and Management (GRAM)
libjglobus-gridftp-java (2.1.0-9) [universe]
Globus Java - GridFTP
libjglobus-gss-java (2.1.0-9) [universe]
Globus Java - GSS-API implementation for SSL with proxies
libjglobus-io-java (2.1.0-9) [universe]
Globus Java - IO
libjglobus-jsse-java (2.1.0-9) [universe]
Globus Java - SSL support
libjglobus-myproxy-java (2.1.0-9) [universe]
Globus Java - MyProxy
libjglobus-parent-java (2.1.0-9) [universe]
Globus Java - parent pom file
libjglobus-ssl-proxies-java (2.1.0-9) [universe]
Globus Java - SSL and proxy certificate support
libjgoodies-common-java (1.8.1-2.1) [universe]
JGoodies Common
libjgrapht0.8-java (0.8.3-6) [universe]
mathematical graph theory library for Java
libjgraphx-java ( [universe]
Java Swing Diagramming Library
libjgromacs-java (1.0-1.1) [universe]
library for molecular dynamics trajectory analysis
libjheaps-java (0.14-2) [universe]
Java library with various heap implementations
libjheatchart-java (0.6-1.1) [universe]
Heat map charting library for Java
libjhighlight-java (1.0-3.1) [universe]
Small embeddable Java library for syntax highlighting
libjhlabs-filters-java (2.0.235-4) [universe]
Java Image Processing Filters
libjibx-java (1.2.6-2) [universe]
Framework for binding XML data to Java objects (symlink)
libjibx1.2-java (1.2.6-2) [universe]
Framework for binding XML data to Java objects
libjiconfont-font-awesome-java ( [universe]
jIconFont - Font Awesome
libjiconfont-java (1.0.0-2) [universe]
API to provide icons generated by any icon font
libjiconfont-swing-java (1.0.1-2) [universe]
jIconFont - Swing support
libjide-oss-java (3.7.6+dfsg-2) [universe]
extensible Swing component library for Java
libjimfs-java (1.1-6) [universe]
In-memory file system implementing the java.nio.file APIs
libjing-java (20220510-3) [universe]
RELAX NG validator - library
libjinput-java (20100502+dfsg-11) [universe]
Java Game Controller API
libjinput-jni (20100502+dfsg-11) [universe]
Java Game Controller API (jni)
libjitescript-java (0.4.3-1) [universe]
Java API for generating JVM bytecode
libjiu-java (0.14.3-7) [universe]
library to load, analyze, process and save pixel images
libjlapack-java (0.8~dfsg-5ubuntu1) [multiverse]
LAPACK numerical subroutines translated from their Fortran 77 source
libjlatexmath-fop-java (1.0.7-3) [universe]
Implementation of LaTeX math mode wrote in Java (fop plugin)
libjlatexmath-java (1.0.7-3) [universe]
Implementation of LaTeX math mode wrote in Java
libjlibeps-java (0.1.ds3-7) [universe]
Java library to create EPS images
libjline2-java (2.14.6-5) [universe]
console input handling in Java
libjline3-java (3.3.1-3ubuntu1) [universe]
Console input handling library
libjloda-java (2.1+ds-3) [universe]
Java library of data structures and algorithms for bioinformatics
libjmdns-java (3.5.5-1) [universe]
Java implementation of multi-cast DNS (Apple Rendezvous)
libjmock2-java (2.12.0-1) [universe]
Java library for testing code with mock objects
libjmol-java (14.32.83+dfsg-3) [universe]
Java library for molecular structures
libjna-jni (5.14.0-1) [universe]
Dynamic access of native libraries from Java without JNI (native libs)
libjna-platform-java (5.14.0-1) [universe]
Dynamic access of native libraries from Java without JNI (platform extension)
libjni-inchi-java (0.8+dfsg-7build1) [universe]
Java Native Interface wrapper for InChI
libjni-inchi-jni (0.8+dfsg-7build1) [universe]
Java Native Interface wrapper for InChI (shared library)
libjnlp-servlet-java (20120126-6) [universe]
simple and convenient packaging format for JNLP applications
libjnr-a64asm-java (1.0.0-1) [universe]
Pure-java aarch64 assembler
libjnr-constants-java (0.10.4-2) [universe]
platform constants for Java
libjnr-enxio-java (0.32.16-1) [universe]
Java extended native cross-platform I/O library
libjnr-ffi-java (2.2.15-2) [universe]
Java library for loading native libraries without writing JNI code
libjnr-netdb-java (1.1.6-1.1) [universe]
Lookup TCP and UDP services from java
libjnr-posix-java (3.1.18-1) [universe]
basic POSIX-like functions for Java
libjnr-unixsocket-java (0.38.21-2) [universe]
Java access to native libraries for unix sockets
libjnr-x86asm-java (1.0.2-5.1) [universe]
Pure java x86 and x86_64 assembler
libjoda-convert-java (2.2.2-1) [universe]
Joda Convert - Java API to convert Objects to and from Strings
libjodconverter-java (2.2.2-16) [universe]
Office formats converter - Library
libjogl2-java (2.5.0+dfsg-1build1) [universe]
Java bindings for OpenGL API
libjogl2-jni (2.5.0+dfsg-1build1) [universe]
Java bindings for OpenGL API (JNI lib)
libjollyday-java (0.5.10-2) [universe]
holiday calendar
libjolokia-core-java (1.7.1+dfsg-3) [universe]
access JMX MBeans remotely using JSON over HTTP - core
libjopendocument-java (1.3repack-1.1) [universe]
pure Java library for OASIS Open Document files manipulation
libjoptsimple-java (5.0.4-4) [universe]
Command line parsing java library
libjose4j-java (0.7.12-2) [universe]
implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT) and the JOSE specification suite
libjosql-java (2.2+dfsg-2) [universe]
library to apply SQL-like syntax to Java objects
libjpa-2.1-spec-java (2.1.0.v201304241213-1.1) [universe]
JPA Spec 2.1 OSGi Bundle
libjpathwatch-java (0.95-5build1) [universe]
Java library that monitors directories for changes
libjpathwatch-java-jni (0.95-5build1) [universe]
Java library that monitors directories for changes (JNI)
libjpedal-jbig2-java (20100117-1.1) [universe]
library for accession of large images
libjpegxl-java (0.7.0-10.2ubuntu6) [universe]
JPEG XL Image Coding System - "JXL" (java bindings)
libjpf-java (1.5.1+dfsg-5) [universe]
Java Plugin Framework: plug-in infrastructure library for Java projects
libjpfcodegen-java (0.4+dfsg1-1.1) [universe]
tool for generating classes from JPF plug-ins
libjregex-java (1.2.01-2) [universe]
regular expressions for Java
libjruby-joni-java (2.2.1-1) [universe]
Java port of Oniguruma regexp library
libjruby-maven-plugin-java (3.0.1-2) [universe]
Maven plugins to handle Ruby gems in a Maven compatible way
libjruby-mavengem-maven-plugin-java (2.0.1-2) [universe]
Mavengem Protocol and Mavengem Wagon
libjruby-utils-clojure (5.1.0-2) [universe]
Create and interact with a pool of JRuby instances in Clojure
libjsamp-java (1.3.7-1) [universe]
Java Simple Application Messaging Protocol library
libjsap-java (2.1-5) [universe]
Java Simple Argument Parser
libjsch-agent-proxy-java (0.0.9-1) [universe]
Proxy to ssh-agent and Pageant in Java
libjsf-api-java (2.2.8-6) [universe]
JavaServer Faces 2.2 Java EE web framework - API
libjsilver-aosp-java (10.0.0+r36-1) [universe]
Pure-Java implementation of Clearsilver
libjsofa-java (0~20210512-1) [universe]
Pure Java translation of the IAU's C SOFA software library
libjson-simple-java (2.3.0-1) [universe]
Simple, lightweight and efficient JSON toolkit for Java
libjson-smart-java (2.2-2ubuntu1) [universe]
JSON Small and Fast Parser
libjson4s-java (3.5.1+really3.2.10-1) [universe]
Single AST to be used by other scala json libraries
libjsonb-api-java (1.0-2) [universe]
Java API for JSON Binding (JSON-B)
libjsonld-java (0.13.6-1) [universe]
Java implementation of JSON-LD 1.0 and JSON-LD-API 1.0 specifications
libjsonp-java (1.1.2-4) [universe]
Java API for JSON Processing
libjsonp2-java (2.1.2-1) [universe]
Jakarta JSON Processing
libjsonpath-java (2.0.0-5) [universe]
Jayway JsonPath - XPath like expressions for JSON
libjsoup-java (1.15.3-1) [universe]
Java HTML parser that makes sense of real-world HTML soup
libjsp-api-java (2.3.4-3) [universe]
JavaServer Pages API
libjsr166y-java (1.7.0-3) [universe]
Parallel computation framework for Java
libjsr305-java (0.1~+svn49-11) [universe]
Java library that provides annotations for software defect detection
libjsr311-api-java (1.1.1-1.1) [universe]
JSR 311, JAX-RS, Java API for RESTful Web Services
libjss-java (5.5.0-1build1) [universe]
Network Security Services for Java
libjssc-java (2.8.0-4build1) [universe]
library for working with serial ports from Java
libjstun-java (0.7.3+dfsg-2) [universe]
Java-based STUN implementation
libjswingreader-java (0.3-4) [universe]
RSS NewsFeed reader for Java
libjsyntaxpane-java (0.9.6~r156-7.1) [universe]
Java EditorPane with support for Syntax Highlighting
libjt400-java (9.4-2) [universe]
Java database (JDBC) driver for IBM DB2
libjtharness-java (6.0-b24-1) [universe]
General purpose test harness for Java
libjtype-java (0.1.3-4.1) [universe]
Helper library for the Java 5 Type
libjug-java (3.1.5-1) [universe]
Pure java UUID generator
libjuh-java (4:24.2.7-0ubuntu0.24.04.2) [universe] [security]
transitional package for LibreOffice UNO runtime environment
виртуальный пакет, предоставляемый liblibreoffice-java
libjumbo-java (6.0+dfsg-2) [universe]
Java library for processing CML
libjung-free-java (2.1.1-2) [universe]
Java Universal Network/Graph Framework
libjunit5-system-exit-java (1.1.2-5) [universe]
JUnit5 Extension to help write tests that call System.exit()
libjuniversalchardet-java (2.4.0-3) [universe]
encoding detector library (Java port of the Mozilla library)
libjunixsocket-java (2.6.1-1) [universe]
Unix Domain Sockets in Java
libjunixsocket-jni (2.6.1-1) [universe]
Unix Domain Sockets in Java (JNI library)
libjurt-java (4:24.2.7-0ubuntu0.24.04.2) [universe] [security]
transitional package for LibreOffice UNO runtime environment
виртуальный пакет, предоставляемый liblibreoffice-java
libjutils-java (20100502+dfsg-5) [universe]
Common utilities for Java Game Technology Group projects
libjws-api-java (1.1-2) [universe]
Java EE Web Services Metadata API (JSR 181)
libjxgrabkey-java (0.3.2-10build2) [universe]
X11 hotkey API for java
libjxgrabkey-jni (0.3.2-10build2) [universe]
X11 hotkey API for java (jni backend)
libjxmpp-java (1.0.1-4) [universe]
base library for XMPP based instant messaging and presence
libjxp-java (1.6.1-6.1) [universe]
Java template engine/script processor
libkazocsaba-imageviewer-java (1.2.3-2) [universe]
Swing image viewer component
libkdgcommons-java (1.0.15-1.1) [universe]
utility library for web programming
libkitchensink-clojure (3.2.5-1) [universe]
utility library for Puppet Labs clojure projects
libkmlframework-java (0.0.git20150825.a2e0518-1) [universe]
library/framework for generating Google Earth KML
libknopflerfish-osgi-framework-java (6.1.1-3.1) [universe]
Java framework implementing the OSGi R6 version
libkotlinx-atomicfu-java (0.11.12-2build2) [universe]
AtomicFU - Idiomatic atomic operations in Kotlin
libkotlinx-coroutines-java (1.0.1-2build1) [universe]
Library support for Kotlin coroutines
libkryo-java (2.20-7) [universe]
object graph serialization framework for Java
libkxml2-java (2.3.0+ds1-2.1) [universe]
small XML parser, designed for small environments
libla4j-java (0.6.0-4) [universe]
Linear Algebra for Java
liblambdaisland-uri-clojure (1.13.95-2) [universe]
pure Clojure URI library
liblanguage-detector-java (0.6-2) [universe]
Language Detection Library for Java
liblastfm-java (1:0.1.0-2.1) [universe]
last.fm API bindings for Java
liblayout-java (0.2.10-5) [universe]
Java layouting framework
liblazymap-clojure (3.1.1-2) [universe]
transparent wrapper around Clojure's map types
libldap-java (5.5.0+dfsg1-1) [universe]
Netscape Directory SDK for Java
libldaptive-java (2.1.1+ds-1) [universe]
simple, extensible Java API for interacting with LDAP servers
liblessen-java (1.0-2) [universe]
lightweight CSS+LESS parser written in Java
libleveldb-api-java (0.7-2) [universe]
High level Java API for LevelDB
libleveldb-java (0.7-2) [universe]
Port of LevelDB to Java
liblgooddatepicker-java (8.3.0+ds-1.1) [universe]
Java Swing Date Picker library.
libliberator-clojure (0.15.3-1) [universe]
library for building RESTful applications
liblibreoffice-java (4:24.2.7-0ubuntu0.24.04.2) [security]
LibreOffice UNO runtime environment -- Java library
liblightcouch-java (0.2.0-1) [universe]
LightCouch - CouchDB Java API
liblightvalue-generator-java (0.8.1-1.1) [universe]
Generator of lightweight Java value/model classes
liblightvalue-gradle-plugin-java (0.8.1-1.1) [universe]
Gradle plugin for LightValue generator
liblink-grammar-java (5.12.3~dfsg-1build3) [universe]
Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser (JNI library)
liblivetribe-jsr223-java (2.0.6-2) [universe]
Implementation of JSR 223: Scripting for Java
liblocalizer-java (1.13-4) [universe]
type-safe access to message resources
liblog4j-extras1.2-java (1.2.17-3) [universe]
Extras for Apache log4j
liblog4j2-java (2.19.0-2) [universe]
Apache Log4j - Logging Framework for Java
liblogback-java (1:1.2.11-5) [universe]
flexible logging library for Java
liblogstash-logback-encoder-java (7.2-2) [universe]
Logstash Logback Encoder
liblombok-ast-java (0.2+ds-7) [universe]
Robust parser + AST for the Java language
liblombok-java (1.18.24-2ubuntu1) [universe]
Reduce boilerplate code in Java projects
liblombok-patcher-java (0.42-3) [universe]
live-rewrite classes as a JVM runs
liblouisutdml-java (2.12.0-3.1build1) [universe]
Braille UTDML translation library - java bindings
liblttng-ust-agent-java (2.13.7-1.1ubuntu2) [universe]
LTTng 2.0 Userspace Tracer (Java agent library)
liblttng-ust-agent-java-jni (2.13.7-1.1ubuntu2) [universe]
LTTng 2.0 Userspace Tracer (Java agent JNI interface)
liblttng-ust-java (2.13.7-1.1ubuntu2) [universe]
LTTng 2.0 Userspace Tracer (Java support library)
liblttng-ust-java-jni (2.13.7-1.1ubuntu2) [universe]
LTTng 2.0 Userspace Tracer (JNI interface)
liblucene3-contrib-java (3.6.2+dfsg-26) [universe]
Full-text search engine library for Java - additional libraries
liblucene3-java (3.6.2+dfsg-26) [universe]
Full-text search engine library for Java - core library
liblucene4.10-java (4.10.4+dfsg-7.1) [universe]
Full-text search engine library for Java(TM)
liblucene8-java (8.8.1-4) [universe]
Full-text search engine library for Java(TM)
liblucene9-java (9.10.0+dfsg-1) [universe]
text search engine library
liblwjgl-java (2.9.3+dfsg-6build1) [universe]
Lightweight Java Game Library
liblwjgl-java-jni (2.9.3+dfsg-6build1) [universe]
Lightweight Java Game Library (jni)
liblz4-java (1.8.0-4build1) [universe]
LZ4 compression for Java
liblz4-jni (1.8.0-4build1) [universe]
LZ4 compression for Java (JNI library)
libmac-widgets-java (0.10.0+svn416-dfsg1-3) [universe]
collection of Mac style widgets written in Java
libmail-java (1.6.5-2) [universe]
JavaMail API Reference Implementation
libmalai-java (2.0+ds1-3) [universe]
Malai software architecture pattern in Java
libmapscript-java (8.0.1-4ubuntu2) [universe]
Java library for MapServer
libmapsforge-java (0.20.0-1) [universe]
vector map library and writer
libmarc4j-java (2.9.5-1) [universe]
API for working with MARC and MARCXML in Java
libmariadb-java (2.7.6-1) [universe]
Java database driver for MariaDB and MySQL
libmath-combinatorics-clojure (0.1.4-1.1) [universe]
generate lazy sequences for common combinatorial functions in Clojure
libmath-numeric-tower-clojure (0.0.4-1.1) [universe]
math functions for Clojure
libmaven-antrun-extended-plugin-java (1.43-1) [universe]
Extended integration between Maven and Ant
libmaven-antrun-plugin-java (3.1.0-1) [universe]
Maven AntRun Plugin
libmaven-artifact-transfer-java (0.13.1-2) [universe]
Apache Maven Artifact Transfer
libmaven-assembly-plugin-java (3.4.2-1) [universe]
Maven Assembly Plugin
libmaven-bundle-plugin-java (3.5.1-2) [universe]
Maven plugin to handle artifact OSGi metadata
libmaven-clean-plugin-java (3.2.0-2) [universe]
Maven clean plugin
libmaven-common-artifact-filters-java (3.3.2-1) [universe]
Maven Common Artifact Filters
libmaven-compiler-plugin-java (3.10.1-2) [universe]
Maven Compiler plugin
libmaven-dependency-analyzer-java (1.13.0-1) [universe]
Maven Dependency Analyzer
libmaven-dependency-plugin-java (3.5.0-1) [universe]
Maven Dependency Plugin
libmaven-dependency-tree-java (3.2.1-1) [universe]
Maven Dependency Tree
libmaven-deploy-plugin-java (3.1.1-1) [universe]
Maven Deploy plugin
libmaven-doxia-tools-java (1.4-5) [universe]
utilities for integrating Doxia in Maven
libmaven-ejb-plugin-java (3.2.1-2) [universe]
Maven EJB Plugin
libmaven-enforcer-plugin-java (3.1.0-1) [universe]
Maven build rule execution framework
libmaven-exec-plugin-java (3.1.0-2) [universe]
Exec Maven Plugin (transitional package)
виртуальный пакет, предоставляемый libexec-maven-plugin-java
libmaven-install-plugin-java (3.1.1-1) [universe]
Maven install plugin
libmaven-invoker-java (3.2.0-1) [universe]
Maven Invoker
libmaven-invoker-plugin-java (3.4.0-1) [universe]
Maven Invoker Plugin
libmaven-jar-plugin-java (3.3.0-2) [universe]
Maven Jar Plugin
libmaven-javadoc-plugin-java (3.4.1-3) [universe]
Maven Javadoc Plugin
libmaven-jaxb2-plugin-java (0.15.1-1) [universe]
Maven JAXB 2.x Plugin Project
libmaven-mapping-java (3.0.0-2) [universe]
Apache Maven Mapping
libmaven-parent-java (35-1) [universe]
Maven metadata for Apache Maven itself
libmaven-plugin-testing-java (3.3.0-2) [universe]
Maven Plugin Testing
libmaven-plugin-tools-java (3.7.1-1) [universe]
Maven Plugin Tools
libmaven-processor-plugin-java (4.5-1) [universe]
Maven plugin to process annotations for Java 6 at compile time
libmaven-remote-resources-plugin-java (3.0.0-1) [universe]
Apache Maven Remote Resources Plugin
libmaven-reporting-api-java (3.1.1-1) [universe]
Maven Reporting API
libmaven-reporting-exec-java (1.6.0-1) [universe]
Apache Maven Reporting Executor
libmaven-repository-builder-java (1.0-3) [universe]
Maven Repository Builder
libmaven-resolver-java (1.6.3-1) [universe]
Library to handle Java artifact repositories
libmaven-resolver-transport-http-java (1.6.3-1) [universe]
Library to handle Java artifact repositories (HTTP transport)
libmaven-resources-plugin-java (3.3.0-1) [universe]
Maven resources plugin
libmaven-scm-java (1.13.0-1) [universe]
Maven SCM - Common API for SCM operations (Core API)
libmaven-scm-providers-java (1.13.0-1) [universe]
Maven SCM - Common API for SCM operations (Providers)
libmaven-script-interpreter-java (1.4-1) [universe]
Maven Script Interpreter
libmaven-shade-plugin-java (3.4.1-2) [universe]
Maven shade plugin
libmaven-shared-incremental-java (1.1-4) [universe]
Maven incremental build utilities
libmaven-shared-jar-java (1.2-3) [universe]
Maven JAR Utilities
libmaven-shared-utils-java (3.3.4-1) [universe]
Replacement for plexus-utils in Maven
libmaven-site-plugin-java (3.12.1-2) [universe]
Maven Site Plugin for generating a site
libmaven-source-plugin-java (3.2.1-2) [universe]
Maven Source Plugin
libmaven-verifier-java (1.8.0-2) [universe]
Maven Verifier Component
libmaven-war-plugin-java (3.3.2-3) [universe]
Maven WAR Plugin
libmaven3-core-java (3.8.7-2) [universe]
Core libraries for Maven 3
libmavibot-java (1.0.0~M8-1) [universe]
Apache Mavibot - MVCC BTree Java Implementation
libmbassador-java (1.3.1-2) [universe]
feature-rich Java event bus optimized for high-throughput
libmckoisqldb-java (1.0.6-4) [universe]
Mckoi SQL Database (MckoiSQLDB)
libmdock-java (2.0.1-2) [universe]
lightweight Java component nesting and docking system
libmecab-java (0.996-14ubuntu4) [universe]
mecab binding for Java - java classes
libmecab-jni (0.996-14ubuntu4) [universe]
mecab binding for Java - native interface
libmedley-clojure (1.0.0-2) [universe]
Clojure/ClojureScript utility library
libmetainf-services-java (1.9-1) [universe]
META-INF/services generator
libmetrics-clojure (2.9.0-2.1) [universe]
Clojure wrapper for Coda Hale's metrics library
libmetro-policy-java (2.7.2-3ubuntu1) [universe]
WS-Policy implementation in Java
libmiglayout-java (11.1+ds-1) [universe]
Java Layout Manager
libmilib-java (2.2.0+dfsg-1) [universe]
library for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data processing
libmime-util-java (2.1.3-3) [universe]
MIME types detector library
libmimepull-java (1.9.7-2) [universe]
Pull API for parsing MIME messages
libmina-java (1.1.7.dfsg-13ubuntu1) [universe]
Java network application framework
libmina2-java (2.2.1-3) [universe]
Java network application framework
libminidns-java (1.0.0-3) [universe]
minimal DNS client library for Android and Java SE
libminify-maven-plugin-java (1.7.4-1.1) [universe]
Minify Maven Plugin
libminlog-java (1.3.0-1.1) [universe]
minimal Java logging library
libmjson-java (1.4.0-3) [universe]
lean JSON Library for Java with a compact API
libmmtf-java (1.0.11-1) [universe]
Java API for macromolecular transmission format encoder/decoder
libmnemonicsetter-java (0.5-1.1) [universe]
Java library for automatically setting Swing mnemonics
libmockito-java (2.23.0-2) [universe]
mocking framework for Java
libmodello-maven-plugin-java (1.11-1) [universe]
Modello Maven Plugin enables the use of Modello in Maven builds
libmojo-executor-java (2.4.0-1) [universe]
Maven Mojo Executor
libmondrian-java (1: [universe]
OLAP server written in Java
libmongodb-java (3.6.3-2) [universe]
MongoDB Java Driver
libmorfologik-stemming-java (1.9.0+dfsg-1) [universe]
Finite state automaton and stemming engine library
libmorfologik-stemming2-java (2.1.6-2) [universe]
Finite state automaton and stemming engine library
libmpj-java (0.44+dfsg-4) [universe]
Java library for parallel applications for multicore processors and clusters
libmqtt-client-java (1.16-1) [universe]
Java MQTT Client API
libmsgpack-java (0.9.6-1) [universe]
MessagePack for Java
libmsv-java (2009.1+dfsg1-6) [universe]
Sun multi-schema XML validator
libmtj-java (0.9.14+dfsg-7) [multiverse]
Java library for developing numerical applications
libmultiverse-core-java (0.7.0-6) [universe]
Java library implementing Software Transactional Memory (STM)
libmunge-maven-plugin-java (1.0-2) [universe]
Maven plugin to pre-process Java code
libmurphy-clojure (0.5.2-2) [universe]
Clojure library for better handling of bad situations
libmustache-java (0.9.1-1) [universe]
Mustache implementation in Java
libmvel-java (2.4.4-2) [universe]
expression language for Java-based applications - Library
libnaga-java (3.0+svn80-5) [universe]
Simplified Java NIO asynchronous sockets
libnative-platform-java (0.14-6) [universe]
Java bindings for various native APIs
libnative-platform-jni (0.14-6) [universe]
Java bindings for various native APIs - JNI library
libnb-absolutelayout-java (12.1-3) [universe]
Java LayoutManager to allow placement in absolute positions
libnb-org-openide-modules-java (12.1-2ubuntu1) [universe]
Utility classes for modules from the NetBeans Platform
libnb-org-openide-util-java (12.1-2ubuntu1) [universe]
Utility classes from the NetBeans Platform
libnb-org-openide-util-lookup-java (12.1-2ubuntu1) [universe]
Utility lookup classes from the NetBeans Platform
libnb-platform18-java (12.1-2ubuntu1) [universe]
NetBeans Platform for building rich desktop applications in Java
libnet-luminis-build-plugin-java (0.2.0-7) [universe]
Wrapper around Bnd to allow easy bundle creation from ant builds.
libnetlib-java (0.9.3-7) [multiverse]
collection of mission-critical software components for linear algebra systems
libnetty-java (1:4.1.48-9) [universe]
Java NIO client/server socket framework
libnetty-reactive-streams-java (2.0.8-1) [universe]
Netty Reactive Streams
libnetty-tcnative-java (2.0.28-1build4) [universe]
Tomcat native fork for Netty
libnetty-tcnative-jni (2.0.28-1build4) [universe]
Tomcat native fork for Netty (JNI library)
libnetx-java (0.5-4) [universe]
An open-source JNLP client
libnexus-java (4.4.3-6build3) [universe]
NeXus scientific data file format - java libraries
libnexus-jni (4.4.3-6build3) [universe]
NeXus scientific data file format - JNI library
libngs-java (3.0.3+dfsg-6ubuntu5) [universe]
Next Generation Sequencing language Bindings (Java bindings)
libngs-jni (3.0.3+dfsg-6ubuntu5) [universe]
Next Generation Sequencing language Bindings (Java native binding)
libnippy-clojure (3.1.3-3) [universe]
High-performance serialization library for Clojure
libnist-sip-aosp-java (9.0.0+r35-1.1ubuntu1) [universe]
Parser and Stack API
libnoggit-java (0.8-1) [universe]
Fast streaming JSON parser for Java
libnrepl-clojure (1.0.0-5) [universe]
Clojure network REPL
libnrepl-incomplete-clojure (0.1.0-2) [universe]
Simple Clojure library providing code completion
libnumericalchameleon-java (3.0.0+ds-2) [universe]
Spoken and written numbers
liboauth-signpost-java ( [universe]
simple OAuth message signing for Java
libobantoo-java (2.1.12+ds1-4) [universe]
OBanToo is a Java library with banking tools
libobject-cloner-java (0.2~git95dba2c-3) [universe]
Java Object cloning library with extensible strategies
libobjenesis-java (3.3-3) [universe]
Java library to instantiate a new object of a particular class
libodfdom-java (0.9.0~RC2-2) [universe]
OpenDocument Format (ODF) framework
libofficebean-java (4:24.2.7-0ubuntu0.24.04.2 [amd64], 4:24.2.2-0ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [security]
generic Java Bean wrapper for LibreOffice components
libognl-java (2.7.3-8) [universe]
Java expression language
libokhttp-java (3.13.1-4) [universe]
HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications
libokhttp-signpost-java (1.1.0-2) [universe]
Signpost extension for signing OkHttp requests
libokio-java (1.16.0-2) [universe]
Modern I/O API for Java
libolap4j-java (1.2.0-2) [universe]
unified Java API to access an OLAP server
libonemind-commons-invoke-java (1.1.0+cvs20090227-6) [universe]
Java invocation framework library
libonemind-commons-java-java (1.5.5-7) [universe]
common java library used to support other developments
libopencensus-java (0.24.0+ds-1ubuntu1) [universe]
stats collection and distributed tracing framework
libopenchemlib-java (2023.1.1+dfsg-1) [universe]
framework providing cheminformatics core functionality
libopencsv-java (5.2-1) [universe]
opencsv - Library for reading and writing CSV in Java
libopencv-java (4.6.0+dfsg-13.1ubuntu1) [universe]
Java bindings for the computer vision library
libopencv406-jni (4.6.0+dfsg-13.1ubuntu1) [universe]
Java jni library for the computer vision library
libopenhft-affinity-java (3.1.7-1ubuntu1) [universe]
OpenHFT Java Thread Affinity library
libopenhft-chronicle-bytes-java (1.1.15-2) [universe]
OpenHFT byte buffer library
libopenhft-chronicle-core-java (2.17.5-v1.1.8-2) [universe]
OpenHFT core library
libopenhft-chronicle-network-java (1.0.58-2) [universe]
OpenHFT High Performance Network library
libopenhft-chronicle-queue-java (3.6.0-2) [universe]
Java library for persisted low latency messaging
libopenhft-chronicle-threads-java (1.1.6-4) [universe]
OpenHFT thread pool library
libopenhft-chronicle-wire-java (1.1.13-2) [universe]
Wire format abstraction library
libopenhft-compiler-java (2.2.4-2) [universe]
Java Runtime Compiler library
libopenhft-lang-java (6.7.6-2) [universe]
High Performance Java library for High Frequency Trading
libopenid4java-java (1.0.0-2) [universe]
This library allows you to OpenID-enable your Java webapp
libopenjfx-java (11.0.11+1-3.1ubuntu5) [universe]
JavaFX/OpenJFX - Rich client application platform for Java (Java libraries)
libopenjfx-jni (11.0.11+1-3.1ubuntu5) [universe]
JavaFX/OpenJFX - Rich client application platform for Java (native libraries)
libopenjpa-java (2.4.2-9) [universe]
Java Persistence 2.0 API (JPA) implementation library
libopenjson-java (1.0.13-1) [universe]
rewrite of the evil licensed json.org
libopenni-java ( [universe]
Java framework for sensor-based 'Natural Interaction'
libopennlp-maxent-java (3.0.0+ds-2) [universe]
OpenNLP Maximum Entropy Package
libopenrefine-arithcode-java (1.2-2) [universe]
Java implementation of arithmetic coding and PPM compression
libopenrefine-butterfly-java (1.2.5-1) [universe]
modular web application framework
libopenrefine-opencsv-java (2.4-2) [universe]
CSV parser library for Java
libopenrefine-vicino-java (1.2-3) [universe]
near-neighbor search tool for Java
libopensearch-java (2.4.1+dfsg-2) [universe]
text search engine library
libopentest4j-java (1.2.0-4) [universe]
Open Test Alliance API
libopentest4j-reporting-java (0.1.0-M1-2) [universe]
Open Test Reporting
libopsin-java (2.8.0-1) [universe]
Chemical name to structure converter
liboptions-java (0.0.20120113-3) [universe]
command line option parsing library for Java
libordered-clojure (1.5.9-3) [universe]
Provides sets and maps that maintain the insertion order of their contents
libosgi-annotation-java (8.1.0-1) [universe]
Java OSGi API - annotation module
libosgi-compendium-java (7.0.0-1) [universe]
Java OSGi API - Compendium module
libosgi-core-java (8.0.0-2) [universe]
Java OSGi API - Core module
libosgi-foundation-ee-java (4.2.0-5) [universe]
Java OSGi API - Foundation Execution Environment
libosmpbf-java (1.5.0-3build2) [universe]
Java access library for OpenStreetMap PBF file format
libowasp-antisamy-java (1.7.4-1) [universe]
OWASP AntiSamy
libowasp-encoder-java (1.2.3-2) [universe]
OWASP Java Encoder Project
libowasp-esapi-java ( [universe]
Enterprise Security API (ESAPI)
libowasp-java-html-sanitizer-java (20191001.1-1) [universe]
OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer
libowlapi-java (5.1.20-1) [universe]
Java API for creating, manipulating and serialising OWL Ontologies
libpal-java (1.5.1+dfsg-9) [universe]
Phylogenetic Analysis Library
libpantomime-clojure (2.1.0+dfsg-2) [universe]
Clojure library dealing with MIME types
libpaperclips-java (1.0.4-3) [universe]
Simplified Java Printing Support for SWT
libparanamer-java (2.8-6) [universe]
Java library to access method parameter names at runtime
libparanamer-maven-plugin-java (2.8-6) [universe]
Paranamer Maven Plugin
libparboiled-java (1.1.7-2.1) [universe]
Parser library based on Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs)
libparsington-java (1.0.1-1.1) [universe]
mathematical expression parser for Java
libparsley-clojure (0.9.3-2) [universe]
DSL for creating total and truly incremental parsers in Clojure
libpdfbox-graphics2d-java (0.43-1) [universe]
Java library to embed graphics as vector drawing in a PDF
libpdfbox2-java (2.0.29-1) [universe]
PDF library for Java
libpegdown-java (1.6.0-1.1) [universe]
Lightweight Markdown processing library
libpentaho-reporting-flow-engine-java (0.9.4-5.2) [universe]
report library for java
libperfmark-java (0.21.0+ds-3) [universe]
High Performance Tracing Library for Java
libpf4j-java (3.10.0+dfsg-1) [universe]
framework to turn monolithic Java applications into modular ones
libpf4j-update-java (2.3.0+dfsg-4) [universe]
update mechanism for Java modular applications
libpgpainless-cli-java (1.6.6-2) [universe]
Stateless OpenPGP Protocol with PGPainless - runtime library
libpgpainless-core-java (1.6.6-2) [universe]
Easy to use OpenPGP library
libpgpainless-sop-java (1.6.6-2) [universe]
Stateless OpenPGP Protocol with PGPainless - library
libphonenumber8-java (8.12.57+ds-4.2build3) [universe]
parsing/formatting/validating phone numbers - java
libpicard-java (3.1.1+dfsg-1) [universe]
Java library to manipulate SAM and BAM files
libpiccolo-java (1.2-1.1) [universe]
toolkit for development of 2D structured graphics
libpicocli-java (4.6.2-2) [universe]
Tiny command line interpreter library for Java applications
libpicocontainer-java (2.15+repack-3) [universe]
Java library implementing the Dependency Injection pattern
libpicocontainer1-java (1.3-4) [universe]
Java library implementing the Dependency Injection pattern
libpixelmed-codec-java (20200328-6) [universe]
JPEG selective block redaction codec for pixelmed
libpixelmed-imageio-java (20200328-6) [universe]
JPEG lossless decoder for pixelmed
libpixelmed-java (20220618+dfsg-2) [universe]
DICOM implementation containing Image Viewer and a ECG Viewer
libpj-java (0.0~20150107+dfsg-5) [universe]
API and middleware for parallel programming in Java
libplexus-ant-factory-java (1.0~alpha2.1-4) [universe]
Plexus Ant Factory
libplexus-bsh-factory-java (1.0~alpha7-5) [universe]
Plexus Beanshell Factory
libplexus-build-api-java (0.0.7-4) [universe]
Incremental build API for Plexus components
libplexus-cipher-java (2.0-1) [universe]
Plexus Cipher Component used by Maven
libplexus-classworlds2-java (2.7.0-1) [universe]
Class loading utilities for the Plexus framework (transitional package)
libplexus-cli-java (1.2-7) [universe]
Easily create CLIs with Plexus components
libplexus-compiler-java (2.12.1-2) [universe]
Plexus compiler system
libplexus-component-annotations-java (2.1.1-1) [universe]
Plexus Component Annotations
libplexus-component-metadata-java (2.1.1-1) [universe]
Component Metadata Maven plugin for Plexus
libplexus-container-default1.5-java (2.1.1-1) [universe]
Plexus Inversion-of-control Container (transitional package)
libplexus-digest-java (1.1-6) [universe]
Digest utilities for the Plexus system
libplexus-languages-0.9-java (0.9.10-4) [universe]
Plexus shared language features
libplexus-languages-java (1.1.1-2) [universe]
Plexus shared language features
libplexus-resources-java (1.1.0-2) [universe]
Plexus Resource Component
libplexus-sec-dispatcher-java (2.0-3) [universe]
Plexus Security Dispatcher Component used by Maven
libplexus-testing-java (1.1.0-1.1) [universe]
Plexus Testing
libplexus-utils2-java (3.4.2-1) [universe]
utilities for the Plexus framework
libplplot-java (5.15.0+dfsg2-9build1.1 [amd64], 5.15.0+dfsg2-9build1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [universe] [security]
Scientific plotting library (Java bindings)
libplume-hashmap-util-java (0.0.1+ds-1) [universe]
Plume-lib utility libraries for Java HashMaps
libplume-reflection-util-java (0.2.2+ds-1) [universe]
Utility libraries related to Java reflection
libplume-util-java (1.1.0+ds-1) [universe]
Plume-lib utility libraries for Java
libpng-sixlegs-java (2.0-3) [universe]
Sixlegs Java PNG Decoder
libpolyglot-maven-java (0.8~tobrien+git20120905-10) [universe]
modules to enable Maven usage in others JVM languages
libpomegranate-clojure (1.2.1-3) [universe]
dependency resolution and repository handling library for Clojure
libportlet-api-2.0-spec-java (1.0-3) [universe]
Java Portlet Specification V2.0
libpostgresql-jdbc-java (42.7.2-1) [universe]
Java database (JDBC) driver for PostgreSQL
libpotemkin-clojure (0.4.5-4) [universe]
collection of facades and workarounds for Clojure
libpracticalxml-java (1.1.19-1.1) [universe]
practical XML handling routines
libprismatic-plumbing-clojure (0.6.0-3) [universe]
Clojure utility belt library
libprismatic-schema-clojure (1.2.0-4) [universe]
Clojure(Script) library for declarative data description and validation
libprocessing-core-java (1.2.1-2) [universe]
Java animation and interaction library
libprocyon-java (0.6.0-1ubuntu1) [universe]
Procyon Framework
libproguard-core-java (7.0.1-2) [universe]
Library to read, analyze, modify, and write Java class files
libproguard-java (6.2.2-3) [universe]
Java class file shrinker, optimizer, and obfuscator (Library)
libproperties-maven-plugin-java (1.1.0-1) [universe]
Maven Plugin to read and write property files from mojo.codehaus.org
libprotobuf-java-format-java (1.3-1.1) [universe]
Library to serialize protobuf messages to XML, JSON and HTML
libprotobuf2-java (2.6.1-4) [universe]
Java bindings for protocol buffers
libproxy-vole-java (1.0.3-3) [universe]
Proxy Vole
libpsych-java (5.0.2-2build2) [universe]
ruby-psych Java extension
libpulse-java (2.4.7-2build1) [universe]
PulseAudio sound driver for Java
libpulse-jni (2.4.7-2build1) [universe]
PulseAudio sound driver for Java (JNI libraries)
libpuppetlabs-http-client-clojure (2.1.1-1) [universe]
Clojure wrapper around libhttpasyncclient-java
libpuppetlabs-i18n-clojure (0.9.2-2) [universe]
Clojure i18n library
libpuppetlabs-ring-middleware-clojure (1.3.1-3) [universe]
common Ring middleware for Puppet projects
libqdox2-java (2.0.3-1) [universe]
quickly parses declarations and Javadoc from Java source
libqdwizard-java (5.0.1-1.1) [universe]
simple Java Wizard API
libqpid-proton-j-extensions-java (1.2.4-2) [universe]
Websocket extension of Qpid Proton-J
libqrcodegen-java (1.8.0-1.2build1) [universe]
QR Code generator library in multiple languages - Java version
libquartz2-java (2.3.2-4) [universe]
open source job scheduling system
libquoin-clojure (0.1.2-3) [universe]
Clojure utilities for writing template engines
librabbitmq-client-java (5.0.0-1.1) [universe]
RabbitMQ Java client
librappor-aosp-java (9.0.0+r35-1.1) [universe]
Rappor java client library
libraynes-fs-clojure (1.5.2-1) [universe]
filesystem utility library for Clojure
librbac-client-clojure (1.1.5-2) [universe]
lightweight API clients for PE services
librdf4j-java (3.7.7+ds-1) [universe]
extensible framework for RDF and RDF Schema data
librdfa-java (1.0.0~BETA1-3) [universe]
SAX-based Java RDFa parser
librdp-taxonomy-tree-java (1.2.0-6) [universe]
taxonomy tree library from Ribosomal Database Project (RDP)
libre2j-java (1.7+dfsg-1) [universe]
RE2/J: linear time regular expression matching in Java
libreactive-streams-java (1.0.3-1) [universe]
Standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking backpressure
libreactor-core-java (2.0.8-1.1) [universe]
Reactive Streams Specification Implementation
libredberry-pipe-java (1.0.0~alpha0-3) [universe]
implementation of concurrent pipelines
libreflectasm-java (1.11.9+dfsg-4) [universe]
library that provides reflection by using code generation
libreflections-java (0.10.2+dfsg-2) [universe]
Java runtime metadata analysis library
libregex-clojure (1.1.0-3) [universe]
Composable regexes for Clojure
libregexp-java-doc (1.5-4) [universe]
Documentation for the Regular expression library
librelaxng-datatype-java (1.0+ds1-3.1) [universe]
Java datatype interface for RELAX NG
librelaxngcc-java (1.12-1.1) [universe]
RELAX NG Compiler Compiler
libreoffice-officebean (4:24.2.7-0ubuntu0.24.04.2 [amd64], 4:24.2.2-0ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [security]
transitional package for libofficebean-java
libreoffice-script-provider-bsh (4:24.2.7-0ubuntu0.24.04.2) [universe] [security]
BeanShell script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework
libreplacer-java (1.5.3-3) [universe]
Maven plugin to replace tokens in a given file with a value
librepository-java (1.1.6-4) [universe]
abstraction library for accessing hierachic bulk content
libresteasy-java (3.6.2-2) [universe]
RESTEasy -- Framework for RESTful Web services and Java applications
libresteasy3.0-java (3.0.26-6) [universe]
RESTEasy 3.0 -- Framework for RESTful Web services and Java applications
librhino-java (1.7.14-2.1) [universe]
Libraries for rhino Java Script Engine
libriddley-clojure (0.2.0-2) [universe]
code walking library for Clojure
libridl-java (4:24.2.7-0ubuntu0.24.04.2) [universe] [security]
transitional package for LibreOffice UNO runtime environment
виртуальный пакет, предоставляемый liblibreoffice-java
libring-anti-forgery-clojure (1.1.0-1.1) [universe]
Ring middleware to prevent CSRF attacks
libring-basic-authentication-clojure (1.1.0-2) [universe]
ring middleware to enforce basic authentication
libring-codec-clojure (1.2.0-1) [universe]
Clojure library for encoding and decoding data
libring-core-clojure (1.8.2-3) [universe]
Clojure web applications library
libring-defaults-clojure (0.3.1-1.1) [universe]
Ring middleware that provides sensible defaults
libring-headers-clojure (0.3.0-1.1) [universe]
Ring middleware for common response headers
libring-jetty-adapter-clojure (1.8.2-3) [universe]
Clojure web applications library - Jetty adapter
libring-json-clojure (0.4.0-2) [universe]
ring middleware functions for handling JSON requests and responses
libring-mock-clojure (0.4.0-2) [universe]
library for creating mock Ring request maps
libring-servlet-clojure (1.8.2-3) [universe]
Clojure web applications library - servlet utilities
libring-ssl-clojure (0.3.0-1.1) [universe]
Ring middleware for managing HTTPS requests
librngom-java ( [universe]
Java library for parsing RELAX NG grammars
librobert-hooke-clojure (1.3.0-4) [universe]
Function wrapper library for Clojure
librobust-http-client-java (1.2-4) [universe]
robust HTTP client library for Java
librome-java (1.12.2-1) [universe]
Java library to handle Atom and RSS feeds
librsyntaxtextarea-java (2.5.8-2) [universe]
Java library for syntax highlighting text component
librx-java (3.1.5-1) [universe]
Reactive Extensions for the JVM
libs2-geometry-library-java (1.0.1-3) [universe]
Java library for spherical math
libsaaj-java (1.4.0-4) [universe]
SOAP with Attachment API for Java
libsaaj-ri-java (1.4.1-1.1) [universe]
SOAP with Attachments API for Java - Reference Implementation
libsambox-java (2.4.24-1) [universe]
SAMBox PDF processor
libsaxonhe-java ( [universe]
Saxon-HE is the XSLT and XQuery Processor
libsbml5-java (5.20.2+dfsg-3) [universe]
System Biology Markup Language library - Java bindings
libsbt-launcher-interface-java (1.0.1-2) [universe]
Sbt launcher module
libsbt-serialization-java (0.1.2+repack-1) [universe]
Serialization facility for sbt
libsbt-template-resolver-java (0.1+repack-1) [universe]
Sbt template resolver
libsbt-test-interface-java (1.0+repack-1) [universe]
Sbt test interface
libscala-pickling-java (0.10.1+repack-2) [universe]
Fast, customizable, boilerplate-free pickling support for Scala
libscala-tools-sbinary-java (0.4.2-on-scala-2.11.0~M5-1) [universe]
Scala library for describing binary protocols
libscannotation-java (1.0.2+svn20110812-3.1) [universe]
Java annotation scanner
libscopt-java (3.5.0+repack-1) [universe]
Simple scala command line options parsing
libscout-clojure (0.1.1-5) [universe]
Clojure library to parse strings
libscram-java (2.1-1) [universe]
Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism
libsdo-api-java (1.1.1-2) [universe]
Service Data Objects 2.1 Java API spec
libsdp-api-java (1.0-1.1) [universe]
SDP API for Java
libsecondstring-java (0.1~dfsg-2) [universe]
approximate string-matching routines
libsegment-java (1.4.2-2) [universe]
Rule based text splitting library
libsejda-commons-java (1.1.7-1) [universe]
common classes for PDFsam and Sejda
libsejda-eventstudio-java (3.0.4-1) [universe]
pure Java event bus implementation
libsejda-injector-java (2.0.0-1) [universe]
lightweight dependency injection engine
libsejda-io-java (2.1.4-1) [universe]
layer of Input/Output classes built on top of Java IO and NIO
libsejda-java (4.3.14-1) [universe]
extendible PDF manipulation layer library written in Java
libsemantic-version-java (2.1.1+ds-2) [universe]
single-class semantic version implementation for java
libsemver-clojure (0.3.0-2) [universe]
parsing, comparison, and manipulation of semantic version strings
libsemver-java (0.9.0-4) [universe]
Java implementation of the SemVer Specification
libsequence-library-java (1.0.3-1.1) [universe]
Textual Diff and Merge Library
libserializer-java (1.1.6-6) [universe]
general serializaton framework
libserp-java (1.15.1-2) [universe]
Java Virtual Machine bytecode manipulation framework
libservice-wrapper-java (3.5.51-2build1) [universe]
Jar daemon wrapper java libraries
libservice-wrapper-jni (3.5.51-2build1) [universe]
Jar daemon wrapper JNI libraries
libservlet-api-java (4.0.1-2) [universe]
Java Servlet API
libservlet3.1-java (1:4.0.1-2) [universe]
Java Servlet API 3.1 (transitional package)
виртуальный пакет, предоставляемый libservlet3.1-java
libsezpoz-java (1.12-1) [universe]
Lightweight library for modular service lookups
libshell-utils-clojure (1.0.2-3) [universe]
shell execution common to Puppet clojure projects
libshimdandy-java (1.2.1-1.1) [universe]
Shim wrapping multiple Clojure runtimes into the same JVM
libshiro-java (1.3.2-5) [universe]
Apache Shiro - Java Security Framework
libsignatures-java (1.1.10.g614270e+ds-1) [universe]
graph signature library for molecules
libsimple-http-java (4.1.21-1.1fakesync1) [universe]
high-performance, embeddable Java HTTP engine
libsimple-validation-java (0.9-3) [universe]
library for quickly adding validation code to Swing user-interfaces
libsimple-xml-java (2.7.1-4) [universe]
XML serialization and configuration framework for Java
libsip-api-java (1.2-2) [universe]
SIP API for Java
libsis-base-java (18.09~pre1+git20180928.45fbd31+dfsg-3build1) [universe]
Base libraries used by software from the SIS division at ETH Zurich
libsis-base-jni (18.09~pre1+git20180928.45fbd31+dfsg-3build1) [universe]
Base libraries used by ETH-SIS (JNI components)
libsis-jhdf5-java (19.04.1+dfsg-4build3) [universe]
easy-to-use HDF library for Java
libsis-jhdf5-jni (19.04.1+dfsg-4build3) [universe]
native libs used by libsis-jhdf5-java package
libsisu-inject-java (0.3.4-2) [universe]
Dependency Injection container for Java
libsisu-plexus-java (0.3.4-3) [universe]
Plexus adapter for the Sisu dependency injection container
libsitemesh-java (2.4.1+dfsg-7) [universe]
web-page layout and decoration framework
libsjacket-clojure ( [universe]
Clojure code transformation library
libslice-java (0.10-2.1) [universe]
Java library for efficiently working with heap and off-heap memory
libslingshot-clojure (0.12.2-3) [universe]
Enhanced throw and catch library for Clojure
libsmali-java (2.5.2.git2771eae-4) [universe]
assembler/disassembler for Android's dex format
libsnakeyaml-engine-java (2.7+ds-3) [universe]
Core YAML 1.2 parser and emitter for Java
libsnappy-java ( [universe]
Snappy for Java, a fast compressor/decompresser
libsnappy-jni ( [universe]
Snappy for Java, a fast compressor/decompresser (JNI library)
libsnpeff-java (5.2.b+dfsg-1) [universe]
genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox - lib
libsnpsift-java (5.1+dfsg2-2) [universe]
tool to annotate and manipulate genome variants - lib
libsonic-java (0.2.0-13build1) [universe]
Simple library to speed up or slow down speech - Java bindings
libsop-java-java (7.0.1-1) [universe]
Stateless OpenPGP Protocol API and CLI for Java
libsop-java-picocli-java (7.0.1-1) [universe]
Stateless OpenPGP Protocol API and CLI for Java - picocli wrapper
libsoptions-java (0.0~svn141-2) [universe]
command line option handler for Java applications
libspatial4j-0.4-java (0.4.1-7) [universe]
spatial/geospatial Java library
libspatial4j-java (0.8-1) [universe]
spatial/geospatial Java library
libspec-alpha-clojure (0.3.218-1) [universe]
library to describe the structure of data and functions
libspecter-clojure (1.0.2-2.1) [universe]
data structure transformation library for Clojure
libspi-java (0.2.7-1) [universe]
Simplifies usage of Java Service Provider Interface
libspock-java (0.7-groovy-2.0-4) [universe]
testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy application
libspring-aop-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - AOP
libspring-beans-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - Beans
libspring-context-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - Context
libspring-context-support-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - Context Support
libspring-core-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - Core
libspring-expression-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - Expression language
libspring-instrument-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - Instrumentation
libspring-jdbc-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - JDBC tools
libspring-jms-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - JMS tools
libspring-messaging-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - Messaging tools
libspring-orm-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - ORM tools
libspring-oxm-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - Object/XML Mapping
libspring-test-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - Test helpers
libspring-transaction-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - transaction
libspring-web-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - Web
libspring-web-portlet-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - Portlet MVC
libspring-web-servlet-java (4.3.30-2) [universe]
modular Java/J2EE application framework - Web Portlet
libspullara-cli-parser-java (1.1.3~git20170531-1.1) [universe]
command line parsing for Java
libspymemcached-java (2.12.3+dfsg-3) [universe]
simple, asynchronous, single-threaded memcached client
libsqljet-java (1.1.10-2) [universe]
Pure Java implementation of SQLite database management system
libssl-utils-clojure (3.5.3-1) [universe]
library for SSL certificate management on the JVM
libssw-java (1.1-14build1) [universe]
Java bindings for libssw
libstax-ex-java (1.7.8-3) [universe]
Extended StAX API
libstax-java (1.2.0-4) [universe]
StAX Reference Implementation (RI)
libstax2-api-java (4.1-1) [universe]
Extension to StAX API for parsing XML documents
libstencil-clojure (0.5.0-2) [universe]
Fast, compliant implementation of Mustache in Clojure
libstockpile-clojure (0.0.4-1.1) [universe]
Simple, durable Java queuing library
libstream-java (2.9.8-2) [universe]
library for summarizing data in streams
libstreambuffer-java (1.5.4-1.1) [universe]
XML Stream Buffer
libstreamex-java (0.6.7-3) [universe]
Enhancing Java 8 Streams
libstring-template-maven-plugin-java (1.1-2) [universe]
StringTemplate Maven Plugin
libstringprep-java (1.1-3) [universe]
Stringprep (RFC 3454) Java implementation
libstringtemplate4-java (4.0.8-2.1) [universe]
StringTemplate templating engine for Java
libstructured-logging-clojure (0.2.0-4) [universe]
Write data structures to your logs from Clojure
libsunflow-java (0.07.2.svn396+dfsg-18) [universe]
rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis
libsuper-csv-java (2.4.0-4) [universe]
Super CSV library for Java
libsurefire-java (2.22.3-2) [universe]
Surefire test framework for Java
libsvgsalamander-java (1.1.4-1) [universe]
SVG engine for Java
libsvm-java (3.24+ds-6ubuntu2) [universe]
Java API to support vector machine library (libsvm.jar)
libsvm3-java (3.24+ds-6ubuntu2) [universe]
Java API to support vector machine library (libsvm3.jar)
libsvnclientadapter-java (1.10.12-3) [universe]
High-level Java API for Subversion (library)
libsvnkit-java (1.10.3-2) [universe]
pure Java Subversion client library
libswagger-core-java (2.1.6+dfsg-2) [universe]
Java implementation of the OpenAPI Specification
libsweble-common-java (3.0.8-3) [universe]
common classes for sweble projects
libsweble-wikitext-java (3.1.9-2) [universe]
parser for MediaWiki's wikitext
libswt-gtk-4-java (4.26.0-2build2) [universe]
Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK+ Java library
libswtcalendar-java (0.5-3) [universe]
GUI date picker for Java using SWT
libswtchart-java (0.10.0-4) [universe]
Chart drawing SWT component
libt-digest-java (1:3.0-3) [universe]
Data structure for quantiles and related rank statistics
libtaglibs-standard-impl-java (1.2.5-3) [universe]
Apache JSP Standard Taglib Implementation
libtaglibs-standard-jstlel-java (1.2.5-3) [universe]
Apache JSP Standard Taglib 1.0 EL Support
libtaglibs-standard-spec-java (1.2.5-3) [universe]
Apache JSP Standard Taglib Specification API
libtagsoup-java (1.2.1+-1.1) [universe]
SAX-compliant parser for real-life HTML
libtakari-polyglot-groovy-java (0.4.11-3) [universe]
modules to enable Maven usage in others JVM languages - groovy extension
libtakari-polyglot-maven-java (0.4.11-3) [universe]
modules to enable Maven usage in others JVM languages - common extension
libtakari-polyglot-maven-plugin-java (0.4.11-3) [universe]
modules to enable Maven usage in others JVM languages - maven plugin
libtakari-polyglot-ruby-java (0.4.11-3) [universe]
modules to enable Maven usage in others JVM languages - ruby extension
libtemplating-maven-plugin-java (1.0.0-2) [universe]
Copying files to an output directory
libtest-check-clojure (1.1.0-2) [universe]
Clojure property-based testing tool inspired by QuickCheck
libtest-chuck-clojure (0.2.13-3) [universe]
Clojure utility library for test.check
libtest-generative-clojure (1.0.0-3) [universe]
Generative test runner for Clojure
libtestng7-java (7.5-2) [universe]
testing framework for Java
libtexhyphj-java (1.2+dfsg-2) [universe]
Support for TeX hyphenation patterns in Java
libthreeten-extra-java (1.5.0-1) [universe]
Additional functionality that enhances JSR-310 dates and times
libthrift-java (0.19.0-1) [universe]
Java language support for Thrift
libthumbnailator-java (0.4.20-1) [universe]
thumbnail generation library for Java
libtigris-clojure (0.1.2-1) [universe]
stream-based JSON escaping for Clojure
libtika-java (1.22-2) [universe]
Apache Tika - content analysis toolkit
libtiles-autotag-java (1.2-5) [universe]
Automatic tag generation for Apache Tiles
libtiles-java (3.0.7-5) [universe]
Java templating framework for web application user interfaces
libtiles-request-java (1.0.7-2) [universe]
Tiles Request Framework
libtimingframework-java (1.0-2) [universe]
A Java framework for timing and animations
libtitanium-json-ld-java (1.3.2-1) [universe]
implementation of the JSON-LD 1.1 specification in Java
libtomcat10-embed-java (10.1.16-1) [universe]
Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- embed libraries
libtomcat10-java (10.1.16-1) [universe]
Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- core libraries
libtomcat9-java (9.0.70-2ubuntu0.1) [universe] [security]
Apache Tomcat 9 - Servlet and JSP engine -- core libraries
libtomcatjss-java (8.4.0-2) [universe]
JSSE implementation using JSS for Tomcat
libtools-analyzer-clojure (1.1.1-1) [universe]
analyzer for host agnostic Clojure code
libtools-analyzer-jvm-clojure (1.2.3-1) [universe]
analyzer for Clojure code providing additional jvm-specific passes
libtools-cli-clojure (1.0.194-2) [universe]
command line argument parser for Clojure
libtools-deps-clojure (0.16.1264-3) [universe]
API for transitive dependency graph expansion, classpath creation
libtools-gitlibs-clojure (2.4.181-1) [universe]
API for retrieving, caching, and programmatically accessing git libraries
libtools-logging-clojure (1.2.4-2) [universe]
Logging macros for Clojure
libtools-macro-clojure (0.1.5-2) [universe]
Clojure tools for writing macros
libtools-namespace-clojure (0.2.11-1.1) [universe]
tools for managing namespaces in Clojure
libtools-nrepl-clojure (0.2.13-2) [universe]
Clojure network REPL
libtools-reader-clojure (1.3.6-1) [universe]
complete Clojure and EDN-only reader
libtools-trace-clojure (0.7.9-1.1) [universe]
Clojure tracing facility in Clojure
libtrang-java (20220510-3) [universe]
XML schema converter - Java library
libtrapperkeeper-authorization-clojure (2.0.1-1) [universe]
authorization service for use with the trapperkeeper service framework
libtrapperkeeper-clojure (4.0.0-1) [universe]
framework for configuring, composing and running Clojure services
libtrapperkeeper-comidi-metrics-clojure (0.1.2-2) [universe]
ring middleware to automatically track metrics for requests
libtrapperkeeper-filesystem-watcher-clojure (1.2.2-3) [universe]
Trapperkeeper filesystem watcher service
libtrapperkeeper-metrics-clojure (1.5.0-5) [universe]
Trapperkeeper Metrics Service
libtrapperkeeper-scheduler-clojure (1.1.3-7) [universe]
Trapperkeeper service for scheduling background tasks
libtrapperkeeper-status-clojure (1.1.1-4) [universe]
status monitoring for trapperkeeper services
libtrapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure (4.5.2-2) [universe]
trapperkeeper webserver service
libtreelayout-java (1.0.3-2) [universe]
Efficient and customizable TreeLayout Algorithm in Java
libtrident-java (7.3+dfsg3-5.1) [universe]
Animation library for Java applications
libtrilead-putty-extension-java (1.2-2) [universe]
PuTTY key support for Trilead SSH2 library
libtrove-intellij-java (1.0.20190514-2) [universe]
high performance collections for java
libtrove3-java (3.0.3-5) [universe]
high performance collections for java
libtruss-clojure ( [universe]
Assertions API for Clojure/Script
libtruth-java (0.39-1) [universe]
assertion/proposition framework for Java unit tests
libturbojpeg-java (2.1.5-2ubuntu2) [universe]
Java bindings for the TurboJPEG library
libtwelvemonkeys-java (3.9.4-1) [universe]
collection of plugins and extensions for Java's ImageIO
libtxw2-java ( [universe]
Typed XML Writer for Java
libtypesafe-config-clojure (0.1.5-1.1) [universe]
Java wrapper around libtypesafe-config-java
libtypesafe-config-java (1.3.1-2.1) [universe]
configuration library for JVM languages
libuber-pom-java (1.0.3-2) [universe]
UberPom - merging maven pom hierarchy parameters
libuima-adapter-vinci-java (2.10.2-4) [universe]
Library to provide Vinci web services within UIMA
libuima-addons-java (2.3.1-8) [universe]
Apache UIMA Addons
libuima-as-java (2.3.1-11) [universe]
Apache UIMA Asynch Scaleout framework
libuima-core-java (2.10.2-4) [universe]
Core library for the UIMA framework
libuima-cpe-java (2.10.2-4) [universe]
Library for the UIMA Collection Processing Engine
libuima-document-annotation-java (2.10.2-4) [universe]
Library for the UIMA document annotation
libuima-tools-java (2.10.2-4) [universe]
UIMA library for the UIMA tools
libuima-vinci-java (2.10.2-4) [universe]
Library to handle Vinci web service protocol
libunbescape-java (1.1.5-1.1) [universe]
advanced yet easy-to-use escape/unescape library for Java
libuncommons-maths-java (1.2.3-2) [universe]
Maths library for Java
libuncommons-watchmaker-framework-java (0.7.1-3) [universe]
Framework for Evolutionary Computation
libuncommons-watchmaker-swing-java (0.7.1-3) [universe]
Framework for Evolutionary Computation - Swing library
libundertow-java (2.3.8-2) [universe]
flexible performant web server written in Java
libunirest-java-java (1.4.8-3) [universe]
Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library
libunity-java (1.1~b1+dfsg-3) [universe]
Parse scientific unit specifications with Java
libunivocity-parsers-java (2.9.1-1) [universe]
Parsers for CSV, TSV and fixed width files
libunoil-java (4:24.2.7-0ubuntu0.24.04.2) [universe] [security]
transitional package for LibreOffice UNO runtime environment
виртуальный пакет, предоставляемый liblibreoffice-java
libunoloader-java (4:24.2.7-0ubuntu0.24.04.2) [security]
LibreOffice UNO runtime environment -- (Java) UNO loader
libupnp-java (1.0.4+triplea-1.1) [universe]
Java library for Universal Plug aNd Play (upnp)
libusb-java (0.8+ztex20090101-9ubuntu1) [universe]
Java wrapper for libusb
libusb-java-lib (0.8+ztex20090101-9ubuntu1) [universe]
Java wrapper for libusb (native library)
libuser-agent-utils-java (1.21-1) [universe]
Utilities for processing user-agent strings
libvamsas-client-java (0.2+dfsg-2) [universe]
library for phylogenetic tasks
libvavr0-java (0.10.3-2) [universe]
object-functional language extension for Java
libvectorgraphics2d-java (0.13-3) [universe]
library for adding vector export to Java Graphics2D
libvelocity-tools-java (2.0-9) [universe]
collection of useful tools for Velocity template engine
libversioneer-clojure (0.2.0-1) [universe]
version introspection for Leiningen-generated projects
libvertx-docgen-java (0.9.4-2) [universe]
create an Asciidoc document from package Javadoc
libvinnie-java (2.0.2-2) [universe]
Lightweight Java library with "vobject" data
libvisualvm-jni (2.1.8-1) [universe]
All-in-One Java Troubleshooting Tool (JNI libraries)
libvoms-api-java-java (3.3.2-6) [universe]
Virtual Organization Membership Service Java API
libvorbis-java (0.8-3) [universe]
Ogg and Vorbis toolkit for Java
libvt-ldap-java (3.3.8-4) [universe]
Virginia Tech LDAP Libraries
libvtk9-java (9.1.0+really9.1.0+dfsg2-7.1build3) [universe]
VTK - Java language support
libwagon-file-java (3.5.3-1) [universe]
Artifact transport abstraction used in Maven (file provider)
libwagon-ftp-java (3.5.3-1) [universe]
Artifact transport abstraction used in Maven (FTP provider)
libwagon-http-java (3.5.3-1) [universe]
Artifact transport abstraction used in Maven (HTTP providers)
libwagon-http-shaded-java (3.5.3-1) [universe]
Artifact transport abstraction used in Maven (HTTP providers with dependencies)
libwagon-provider-api-java (3.5.3-1) [universe]
Artifact transport abstraction used in Maven (Provider API)
libwagon-ssh-java (3.5.3-1) [universe]
Artifact transport abstraction used in Maven (SSH providers)
libwala-java (1.5.2-1) [universe]
Static analysis on Java bytecode and related languages
libwatchtower-clojure (0.1.1-2) [universe]
simple file/directory watcher library
libwebjars-locator-core-java (0.30-1.1) [universe]
WebJars Locator Core
libwebjars-locator-java (0.32-1.1) [universe]
WebJars Locator
libwebsocket-api-java (1.1-2) [universe]
Java WebSocket API
libweupnp-java (0.1.4-3) [universe]
tiny UPnP client Java library
libwikidata-toolkit-java (0.14.6-1) [universe]
Wikidata Toolkit
libwildfly-client-config-java (1.0.1-2) [universe]
Wildfly Client Configuration Library
libwildfly-common-java (1.7.0-1) [universe]
Wildfly common utilities project
libwiredtiger-java (3.2.1-1ubuntu1) [universe]
Java language support for WiredTiger
libwss4j-java (1.6.19-3) [universe]
Apache WSS4J WS-Security implementation
libxapian-java (1.4.22-1build5) [universe]
Xapian search engine interface for Java
libxapian-jni (1.4.22-1build5) [universe]
Xapian search engine interface for Java (JNI library)
libxbean-reflect-java (4.5-8) [universe]
plugin based Java application server (xbean-reflect)
libxerial-sqlite-jdbc-java ( [universe]
Xerial's SQLite JDBC Driver
libxerial-sqlite-jdbc-jni ( [universe]
Xerial's SQLite JDBC Driver (jni)
libxml-java (1.1.7-1) [universe]
namespace aware SAX-Parser utility library
libxml-maven-plugin-java (1.0.1-4) [universe]
Maven XML Plugin
libxmlbeans-maven-plugin-java (2.3.3-4) [universe]
Maven XMLBeans Plugin
libxmlcatalog-java (1.0.5-3) [universe]
XML Catalog Management Tool
libxmlenc-java (0.52+dfsg-5) [universe]
Fast stream-based XML output library for java
libxmlunit-java (1.6-2) [universe]
Unit testing for XML documents
libxmpcore-java (5.1.3-1) [universe]
Adobe XMP Toolkit for Java
libxslthl-java (2.1.3-6) [universe]
XSLT syntax highlighting
libxsom-java ( [universe]
XML Schema Object Model Java library
libxtc-rats-java (1.15.0-2) [universe]
parser generator written in Java
libxz-java (1.9-1) [universe]
Java library with a complete implementation of XZ data compression
libyaml-snake-java (1.33-2) [universe]
YAML parser and emitter for the Java programming language
libz3-java (4.8.12-3.1build1) [universe]
theorem prover from Microsoft Research - java bindings
libz3-jni (4.8.12-3.1build1) [universe]
theorem prover from Microsoft Research - JNI library
libzeroc-ice3.7-java (3.7.10-2.1build1) [universe]
Ice for Java run-time libraries.
libzeus-jscl-java (1.72-2) [universe]
Zeus Java Swing Components Library
libzip4j-java (2.11.5-1) [universe]
java library for zip files
libzmq-java (3.1.0-16ubuntu1) [universe]
ZeroMQ Java bindings (jzmq)
libzmq-jni (3.1.0-16ubuntu1) [universe]
ZeroMQ Java bindings (jzmq)
libzookeeper-java (3.9.1-1build2) [universe]
Core Java libraries for zookeeper
libzstd-jni-java (1.5.2-5+ds-3build1) [universe]
JNI bindings for Zstd (Java files)
libzt-exec-java (1.12+dfsg-1) [universe]
ZT Process Executor
libzxing-core-java (3.4.1+ds-1) [universe]
ZXing Core
libzxing-java (3.4.1+ds-1) [universe]
ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android
libzxing-javase-java (3.4.1+ds-1) [universe]
ZXing Java SE extensions
logisim (2.7.1~dfsg-4) [universe]
graphical tool for designing and simulating logic circuits
mathpiper (0.81f+svn4469+dfsg3-3.1) [universe]
Java Computer Algebra System
maven (3.8.7-2) [universe]
Java software project management and comprehension tool
maven-cache-cleanup (1.0.4-1.2) [universe]
Utility to purge timestamped snapshots from Maven repositories
maven-debian-helper (2.6.4) [universe]
Helper tools for building Debian packages with Maven
maven-repo-helper (1.11) [universe]
Helper tools for including Maven metadata in Debian packages
nailgun (0.9.3-3) [universe]
client, protocol, and server for running Java programs from CLI
openjdk-11-demo (11.0.26+4-1ubuntu1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 11.0.23+9-1ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [universe] [security]
Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples)
openjdk-11-jdk (11.0.26+4-1ubuntu1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 11.0.23+9-1ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [universe] [security]
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK)
openjdk-11-jdk-headless (11.0.26+4-1ubuntu1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 11.0.23+9-1ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [universe] [security]
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) (headless)
openjdk-11-jre (11.0.26+4-1ubuntu1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 11.0.23+9-1ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [universe] [security]
OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT
openjdk-11-jre-headless (11.0.26+4-1ubuntu1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 11.0.23+9-1ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [universe] [security]
OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless)
openjdk-11-jre-zero (11.0.26+4-1ubuntu1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 11.0.23+9-1ubuntu1 [arm64, ppc64el, s390x]) [universe] [security]
Alternative JVM for OpenJDK, using Zero
виртуальный пакет, предоставляемый openjdk-11-jre-headless
openjdk-11-source (11.0.26+4-1ubuntu1~24.04) [universe] [security]
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) source files
openjdk-17-demo (17.0.14+7-1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 17.0.11+9-1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [universe] [security]
Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples)
openjdk-17-jdk (17.0.14+7-1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 17.0.11+9-1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [security]
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK)
openjdk-17-jdk-headless (17.0.14+7-1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 17.0.11+9-1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [security]
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) (headless)
openjdk-17-jre (17.0.14+7-1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 17.0.11+9-1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [security]
OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT
openjdk-17-jre-headless (17.0.14+7-1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 17.0.11+9-1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [security]
OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless)
openjdk-17-jre-zero (17.0.14+7-1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 17.0.11+9-1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [universe] [security]
Alternative JVM for OpenJDK, using Zero
openjdk-17-source (17.0.14+7-1~24.04) [security]
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) source files
openjdk-21-demo (21.0.6+7-1~24.04.1 [amd64, i386], 21.0.3+9-1ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [universe] [security]
Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples)
openjdk-21-jdk (21.0.6+7-1~24.04.1 [amd64, i386], 21.0.3+9-1ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [security]
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK)
openjdk-21-jdk-headless (21.0.6+7-1~24.04.1 [amd64, i386], 21.0.3+9-1ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [security]
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) (headless)
openjdk-21-jre (21.0.6+7-1~24.04.1 [amd64, i386], 21.0.3+9-1ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [security]
OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT
openjdk-21-jre-headless (21.0.6+7-1~24.04.1 [amd64, i386], 21.0.3+9-1ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [security]
OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless)
openjdk-21-jre-zero (21.0.6+7-1~24.04.1 [amd64, i386], 21.0.3+9-1ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [universe] [security]
Alternative JVM for OpenJDK, using Zero
openjdk-21-source (21.0.6+7-1~24.04.1) [universe] [security]
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) source files
openjdk-21-testsupport (21.0.6+7-1~24.04.1 [amd64, i386], 21.0.3+9-1ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [universe] [security]
Java runtime based on OpenJDK (regression test support)
openjdk-8-demo (8u442-b06~us1-0ubuntu1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 8u402-ga-8build1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x]) [universe] [security]
Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples)
openjdk-8-jdk (8u442-b06~us1-0ubuntu1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 8u402-ga-8build1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x]) [universe] [security]
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK)
openjdk-8-jdk-headless (8u442-b06~us1-0ubuntu1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 8u402-ga-8build1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x]) [universe] [security]
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) (headless)
openjdk-8-jre (8u442-b06~us1-0ubuntu1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 8u402-ga-8build1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x]) [universe] [security]
OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT
openjdk-8-jre-headless (8u442-b06~us1-0ubuntu1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 8u402-ga-8build1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x]) [universe] [security]
OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless)
openjdk-8-jre-zero (8u442-b06~us1-0ubuntu1~24.04 [amd64, i386], 8u402-ga-8build1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el]) [universe] [security]
Alternative JVM for OpenJDK, using Zero
виртуальный пакет, предоставляемый openjdk-8-jre-headless
openjdk-8-source (8u442-b06~us1-0ubuntu1~24.04) [universe] [security]
OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) source files
openjfx (11.0.11+1-3.1ubuntu5) [universe]
JavaFX/OpenJFX - Rich client application platform for Java
openjfx-source (11.0.11+1-3.1ubuntu5) [universe]
JavaFX/OpenJFX - Rich client application platform for Java (sources)
opennlp (2.3.2-1) [universe]
wrapper for Apache OpenNLP natural language text processing toolkit
openrefine (3.7.7-1) [universe]
powerful tool for working with messy data
pgpainless-cli (1.6.6-2) [universe]
Stateless OpenPGP Protocol with PGPainless - runtime executable
plm (2.9.2-1) [universe]
Programming exerciser in Java, Python, Scala and others
procyon-decompiler (0.6.0-1ubuntu1) [universe]
Procyon Java Decompiler
protobuf-compiler-grpc-java-plugin (1.41.3+ds-3build2) [universe]
high performance general RPC framework - protobuf Java plugin
rdp-alignment (1.2.0-8) [universe]
Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) alignment tools package
rdp-readseq (2.0.2-9) [universe]
Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) sequence reading and writing
remotetea (1.0.7-3.1) [universe]
Sun ONC/RPC support for Java
sablecc (3.7-2) [universe]
Object-oriented fully featured parser generator
sbt-ivy (2.4.0~rc1+dfsg-3) [universe]
agile dependency manager
scala-asm (5.2.0-scala-2-1) [universe]
Fork of ASM for the Scala Compiler
service-wrapper (3.5.51-2build1) [universe]
Jar daemon wrapper
shrinksafe (1.17.2+dfsg1-2.1) [universe]
JavaScript compression system
skyview (3.5.7+repack-2) [universe]
Image generation from a range of remote databases
skyview-java (3.5.7+repack-2) [universe]
Image generation from a range of remote databases (Java package)
snpeff (5.2.b+dfsg-1) [universe]
genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox - tool
snpsift (5.1+dfsg2-2) [universe]
tool to annotate and manipulate genome variants - tool
starlink-array-java (0.2+2022.03.23-1) [universe]
N-dimensional array manipulation and I/O in Java
starlink-auth-java (0.2+2023.11.01-2) [universe]
IVOA standard conform resource authentication
starlink-cdf-java (1.0+2022.08.15+dfsg-1) [universe]
CDF table support for Starjava
starlink-connect-java (0.1+2020.10.01-2) [universe]
Abstract classes for persistent connections to remote services
starlink-datanode-java (1.0+2023.01.18-1) [universe]
Classes for hierarchical browsing of data structures
starlink-dpac-java (1.0+2022.07.21-1) [universe]
Java classes to process GAIA data
starlink-ecsv-java (1.0+2023.01.13-1) [universe]
Parser for the metadata and data of an ECSV file
starlink-fits-java (0.1+2022.11.11-1) [universe]
Classes for general FITS handling
starlink-pal-java (1.0.1+2020.10.01-1) [universe]
Starlink Positional Astronomy Library (Java version)
starlink-registry-java (1.2+2020.10.01-1) [universe]
Starlink IVOA registry access
starlink-table-java (4.2-1build1) [universe]
Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library
starlink-task-java (0.2+2022.07.21-1) [universe]
Java framework for invoking user-level tasks
starlink-tfcat-java (1.0+2023.03.20-2) [universe]
Java classes to parse Time-Frequency Radio Catalogues
starlink-tjoin-java (1.0.+2023.11.29-1) [universe]
Join subclasses for Starjava table class
starlink-topcat-java (4.9-1) [universe]
Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables (Java library)
starlink-ttools-java (3.4.9-5) [universe]
Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set (Java library)
starlink-util-java (1.0+2023.10.31-1) [universe]
Miscellaneous utilities for the Starjava classes
starlink-vo-java (0.2+2023.11.01-2) [universe]
Virtual Observatory access classes
starlink-votable-java (2.0+2023.10.31-1) [universe]
Classes for VOTable input and output
stegosuite (0.9.0-1) [universe]
steganography tool to hide information in image files
substance-flamingo (7.3+dfsg3-5.1) [universe]
Substance Flamingo plugin
substance-swingx (7.3+dfsg3-5.1) [universe]
Swingx components for substance L&F
svnkit (1.10.3-2) [universe]
pure Java Subversion client
sweethome3d (7.2+dfsg-1) [universe]
Interior 2D design application with 3D preview
sweethome3d-furniture-editor (1.30-1) [universe]
Sweet Home 3D Furniture Library Editor
sweethome3d-textures-editor (1.8-1) [universe]
Sweet Home 3D Textures Library Editor
tcode (0.1.20080918-4) [universe]
create a Java file from an associated LaTex file
tomcat-jakartaee-migration (1.0.7-2) [universe]
Apache Tomcat migration tool for Jakarta EE
tomcat10 (10.1.16-1) [universe]
Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine
tomcat10-admin (10.1.16-1) [universe]
Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- admin web applications
tomcat10-common (10.1.16-1) [universe]
Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- common files
tomcat10-examples (10.1.16-1) [universe]
Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- example web applications
tomcat10-user (10.1.16-1) [universe]
Apache Tomcat 10 - Servlet and JSP engine -- tools to create user instances
uima-examples (2.10.2-4) [universe]
Examples of UIMA components
uima-utils (2.10.2-4) [universe]
UIMA tools
ure-java (4:24.2.7-0ubuntu0.24.04.2 [amd64], 4:24.2.2-0ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x]) [security]
LibreOffice UNO runtime environment -- Java support
voms-clients-java (3.3.2-2) [universe]
Virtual Organization Membership Service Java clients
xmlbeans (4.0.0-2) [universe]
Java library for accessing XML by binding it to Java types - tools
yui-compressor (2.4.8-3) [universe]
JavaScript/CSS minifier
yydebug (1.1.0-14) [universe]
support library for the Java-based parser generator jay
zookeeper (3.9.1-1build2) [universe]
High-performance coordination service for distributed applications
zookeeperd (3.9.1-1build2) [universe]
Init control scripts for zookeeper